Bear Creek Adventures
New member
Hope I did this right, first time trying to post pictures. Anyway, this is a picture of a tom one of my hunters killed last year. For reference, the man in the picture is 6'-4" and weighs 250 pounds. The cat just missed the B&C book with a skull measurement of 14 7/8". To make book the skull must be a minimum of 15". This was the easiest cat I have ever treed. After hunting the previous three days with no luck, I decided to try a different area. There was about 4" of snow on the ground. We (myself, hunter, dogs) drove up a mountain road to a dead end. There we stopped for a short break and to let the dogs out to stretch. We loaded up and drove back down the road about half a mile. To my amazement, this huge tom had crossed the road over our tracks! We turned out the hounds and after about 15 minutes they were treed. Never before or since have I had the fortune of this happening. Anyway the hunter was happy as he had his cat after four days of hard hunting.
BTW, I went out yesterday and had a hunter take what I think will be a B/C tom. Pictures and story to follow.
[This message has been edited by Bear Creek Adventures (edited 12-28-2000).]