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Huckabee Floats Sewer Pickle Sandwich on Hannity Show

Don't be so sure. The GOP loves deficit spending when they are in charge.

True. And the Democrats turn into fiscal hawks when they lose power. Chuck wants 1 trillion in infrastructure spending. Problem is he can't let Trump put it on the charge card like they did with Obama's stimulus bill. Good luck trying to put this deal together.
Is Huckabee still relevant? I'll admit to not being a faithful Fox News watcher.

This is how the weasels in Washington work. Get someone with nothing to lose to float the idea. If it goes over like a turd in the punch bowl, they'll throw Huckabee under the bus. If it starts to gain some traction then stay tuned for more.
Identity politics is nasty bidness my friend. No small amount of irony in both sides accusing the other.

Start a thread about the identity politics of the left, and I'll say Jane Fonda was hot in On Golden Pond, but her treatment of our troops was deplorable.

She was totally hot in On Golden Pond though.
Hannity? Fox? Enough brown trout to keep one busy fishing for a long time...
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