HR404 introduced. Hearing protection act

I hope it passes, I think the political climate due to market shifts for suppressors is better now that when a very similar bill was introduced in the 115th. Oddly the 115th had a way better make-up to get this passed, Buuuuuuuut.........[insert smart ass]

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Fairly sure that was around the time of the Vegas shooting. Anything pro gun wasn’t going to be popular.
Vegas was October, the 115th started in Jan. Certainly could have been the end of it if Paul Ryan would have given it a hearing or it had NRA A+ rated co-sponsors.
The curious thing about the entire situation. When the Vegas shooting occurred we were well on our way to 115th. There was a lot of chatter around removing the stamp/tax so much that many gun manufacturers retooled and started making threaded barrels standard in anticipation.

Then out of nowhere a mass shooting occurred using a suppressor a mass shooting with no apparent motive??? Why?

This time around it has a chance we just need to make sure our reps hear us... pun intended.
Then out of nowhere a mass shooting occurred using a suppressor a mass shooting with no apparent motive??? Why?
Can you point to any evidence that the Vegas shooter used a suppressor? I've seen a congressman's response that people could identify where the shots were coming from because he wasn't using a suppressor.
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Check these out, 3d printed titanium "sponge like" material.

I dont think this one will ever be cheap though.
A PETG filament suppressor cost around 65 cents to print , nylon Kevlar filament is about double that. End user 3d printing filaments are continually getting better and better.
A PETG filament suppressor cost around 65 cents to print , nylon Kevlar filament is about double that. End user 3d printing filaments are continually getting better and better.
? I guess im not completely following.

Titanium is expensive, a 3d printing machine (especially one that does titanium) is expensive, time on that machine is also expensive. Not just that - programming and designing it isnt free either.

A bit like looking at the diesel fuel a bulldozer burns and saying moving dirt is cheap.... :)
? I guess im not completely following.

Titanium is expensive, a 3d printing machine (especially one that does titanium) is expensive, time on that machine is also expensive. Not just that - programming and designing it isnt free either.

A bit like looking at the diesel fuel a bulldozer burns and saying moving dirt is cheap.... :)
I'm just pointing out that end user 3D printing equipment and technology is constantly evolving and getting better. Is a home printed suppressor any where near the performance level of the one you posted? No, not even close.
The price point of that titanium hybrid suppressor is miniscule compared to the investment in equipment, prototypes, R&D, marketing, etc that company has probably spent on getting it to the final product end users. I'm guessing they'll need to sell many thousands of them to turn a profit. I hope they are successful and continue bringing new, innovative products to the market because that will encourage the same growth at the hobbyists level.

And moving dirt is cheap. It's everything involved afterwards that's expensive. 🤣😄
Can you point to any evidence that the Vegas shooter used a suppressor? I've seen a congressman's response that people could identify where the shots were coming from because he wasn't using a suppressor.
Sorry it was the Virginia beach shooter.
I’ve had a can for 8 years now and after getting the first one I think it’s ridiculous that I can’t have one thrown on a new gun when I buy it like a guy would a scope. The materials they are made of is a joke for the cost and only reason they can charge so much is the bottle neck the government has created
Dude were not even allowed to own one here.