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HR 1505 - Hippies - our greatest threat

Ben Lamb

Well-known member
Aug 6, 2010
Cedar, MI
HR 1505 comes up for a floor vote today. It's packaged with 20 other bills.

1505 creates a 100 mile swath on both our northern and southern borders where control of public lands is handed over to the Department of Homeland Security, and the Border Patrol. Both the BP and DHS have said that this bill is far to expansive in it's power grab, and that it's not needed or wanted.

We had a little fun with that at the Bully Pulpit:
Maybe if we just legislate mandatory shower stations at the Canadian border, the hippies would be less odiferous and therefore less offensive?
It's not the showers that worry me. It's universal healthcare. It's how we can't get rid of Alan Thicke and Alanis Morrisette.
But can SFW cash in on this unless the get their own Helicopters? Or do the helicopters fall under the "doing good for wildlife and stuff" line item on their 990?
I'm sure they will find someone to "donate" the helicopter time. They had no problem finding someone to donate helicopter time in Alaska to get folks to the bear control camps. Now, what do they get for "donating?"
FYI - On the Hosue floor, Rob Bishop (R-SFW) just \blasted public land hunters and anglers calling them "fake."
What chance does this have of passing the Senate?


It's an election year and senators in border states that are running tight races might have to vote for it to avoid the huge influx of corporate cash that would help push them out of office.

Sad that this is what politics has come to: Make no decision without first deciding how they will screw you on it.
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