How's the weather where you are?

Did not get above 0 today. Looks like 4-7 inches of snow tonight. Tuesday is supposed to be 30-40 below zero with wind chill. Wednesday supposed to be very cold as well. Looks like Wednesday night it is supposed to get down to -32, that is without wind chill. Good news is we are making plenty of ice and it is supposed to warm up for next weekend.
-14 this morning. No wind so I broke a sweat shoveling the 2” of snow we got last night. It just started the 5-8 more inches by morning we are expecting and -50 wind chill by Wednesday. Oh yea, the wife and I have to be at the hospital45 minutes away at 5 am to deliver baby #2 by c section tomorrow
-14 this morning. No wind so I broke a sweat shoveling the 2” of snow we got last night. It just started the 5-8 more inches by morning we are expecting and -50 wind chill by Wednesday. Oh yea, the wife and I have to be at the hospital45 minutes away at 5 am to deliver baby #2 by c section tomorrow

Wow! Wishing good luck to you and the wife with the birth of baby #2! Hopefully everyone makes it through the day happy and healthy!
-14 this morning. No wind so I broke a sweat shoveling the 2” of snow we got last night. It just started the 5-8 more inches by morning we are expecting and -50 wind chill by Wednesday. Oh yea, the wife and I have to be at the hospital45 minutes away at 5 am to deliver baby #2 by c section tomorrow

Good luck on your Epic morning tomorrow!

Driftless area -Not that far from here. Snowing pretty good down here right now. I sure hope all goes as planned.
Good luck on your Epic morning tomorrow!

Driftless area -Not that far from here. Snowing pretty good down here right now. I sure hope all goes as planned.
Thank you for the well wishes. I’m not worried about the snow as long as the pink and purple on the radar stay south!
Just saw on the news the story about the big arctic blast coming down the Heartland. Good time to be in south Texas. Gonna be in the 70's today. By Wednesday, we might have a low of 35 so I'll have to cover up my tomato and pepper plants but it will warm right back up.
North Texas checks in with low 40's, drizzle, into the teens for lows w/no precip beginning tomorrow til Wednesday.
Colder than hell here in north-central WY for early March. About 5 below zero now and not supposed to get above zero today and then about 15 below tonight.

-6* right now in SW Montana...looks like it MIGHT get up to 0* sometime today...but then its going to head south. Tomorrow looks like a high of -4*. Lows around -20*.

Looks like time for some reloading!
Hi Folks! Lots of snow this year in NE Calif. We've got about 6' on the Flat. Not really a cold winter so far but more than normal moisture.
It really sucks, the deer around the neighbor hood look pretty miserable.
Warmest morning in months,46. Snow melting fast the last few days. Went from 4xing in & out to dry in 2 days.
Supposed to rain or snow today & tomorrow. Maybe some more coming next week. I hope so. We need it.
I live in the Bitterroot. Montana's banana belt. Not so much these days with 30 inches of snow and unseasonable cold. Sick of shoveling the stuff. mtmuley
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