How’s the rain been in North Central WY… and how does that effect mule deer?


Well-known member
Jun 13, 2018
Was happy to draw a mule deer tag for this area and plan to be there second week of October. I know that a lot can change between now and then, but how has the rain been in that area, and how does that generally affect the deer in that area? I went out there last year and found a bunch of does really easily, but saw very few bucks period, much less good ones.

Really looking forward to the adventure more than the kill, so I’m trying to learn as I go. Much different than the WT hunting that I am used to. Any tips on vegetation or terrain features to look for?

My son and I plan to camp at the vehicle and hike in to an area. I’d prefer to do more hiking than driving, but also acknowledge the limitations of a man with a bad back who’s out of shape from a desk job, accompanied by a 9yo with a lot more energy in short bursts than over a long period of time (we’re kinda like a dwarf… very dangerous over short distances 😃). Can’t backpack in a base camp for 10 miles if you know what I mean… but I have a lightweight 2p tent if needed for a night or two a little distance from the road. I want to avoid people as much as possible, but also realize that this may be difficult with that area and our limitations. Are mulies like antelope in that most people hunt them from the road and may miss something “just over the hill”? My game plan to this point has been to leave camp and hike in a mile or two before sunup, sit and glass for a couple of hours, then move to the next spot a mile or two away and try again. Hang out til dusk, then glass draws and canyons until final light and hike out the 2-5 miles after that. Water will be the main weight issue, so l plan to bring filtration and replenish our water at one of several ponds that seem to be around the area. Sound reasonable? What specific things should we be looking for to glass over?

Feel free to answer via PM
I'm on the east side of the Big Horns. The rain seemed to be spotty this year. I would day this has been a average or slightly better in spots. With that said things are hot and starting to dry out quickly. Depending on where you are headed I would plan to bring water if you are on the prarie. Some of the ponds can be pretty silty and stagnant.
Rain? What's that?

We had some earlier in the spring. Can't remember the last good rain. Some showers but no sustained rain.
Thanks for the feedback. In East TN we had a fairly wet spring, and then it got hot and dry fast. First rain last night in quite some time and things were getting crispy before that.

Does dry weather effect the deer in any semi-predictable ways? If the water is stagnant do they use it, or will that be likely to matter by early October? Does it move them to any particular type of place, spread them out further, or maybe make a difference that I haven’t mentioned?
Thanks for the feedback. In East TN we had a fairly wet spring, and then it got hot and dry fast. First rain last night in quite some time and things were getting crispy before that.

Does dry weather effect the deer in any semi-predictable ways? If the water is stagnant do they use it, or will that be likely to matter by early October? Does it move them to any particular type of place, spread them out further, or maybe make a difference that I haven’t mentioned?
They will drink it but you won’t want to. Even with a good filter I wouldn’t trust a lot of those retention ponds.
Rain? What's that?

We had some earlier in the spring. Can't remember the last good rain. Some showers but no sustained rain.
We got a lot of rain just last week here in Johnson County. Have had rain just about every week or two lately... at least at our place out here.
Thanks for the feedback. In East TN we had a fairly wet spring, and then it got hot and dry fast. First rain last night in quite some time and things were getting crispy before that.

Does dry weather effect the deer in any semi-predictable ways? If the water is stagnant do they use it, or will that be likely to matter by early October? Does it move them to any particular type of place, spread them out further, or maybe make a difference that I haven’t mentioned?
Mulies can go days without going to water. They will travel a couple miles to get a drink.
Hunting water is secondary to cover and forage.
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