
Howling coyotes

Not always approach... but always voice their dislike with lots of vocal barking.

I guess I should clarify here, the time that you can count on them approaching without thinking is during mating season. The rest of the time, they are a bit more caucious.

Crow Woman

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-13-2003 06:44: Message edited by: Crow Woman ]</font>
yes Rich... I usually try and work the males then. During the fall and winter the females are more apt to run the inner fields and the males tend to stay back along the hedgerows but during the spring and summer when the females are busy with the young, the males are seen much more frequent.
Crow Woman,
Very good.
You will be happy to hear that coyotes love to come in to your howls right now. You will probably call more of the old gray muzzled ones but what the hey.
yes Rich... the older the better, gray makes them look more distinguished, more mature, well established among many, a leader...

oh, wait

we were talking about coyotes, weren't we


all kidding aside though, my numbers are no where near yours, but, I have seen many of my coyotes that have been made into rugs or mounted and they look just as beautiful as the winter ones have looked. I have seen no differance really other than maybe a thicker coat.
Crow Woman,
I don't kill very many coyotes anymore. I got too old and fat for all of the walking necessary. I am doing something about the fat, and have lost 22 pounds so far. I do still get out in to coyote country now and then, and I know a thing or two about calling the buggers. My howling method works real good this time of the year. I don't know how many members would be interested in hearing more about this method. If there is enough interest, maybe a computer whiz here at Moosie's could download some wav files for me. If I could get links to my wav files to work in here, I could give a seminar of sorts which would include the howling sequence I use and people here could actually hear what it sounds like. In meantime, if you get you hands on a video called "dogging coyotes" from ELK industries, you could see and hear all of the sounds needed to howl in coyotes. My method is a bit different than those shown on the video, but it works. Honest it does.
Even if we can't hear your sounds you can still discribe it for all of us. There are many new hunters here and we need to hear from the expirianced hunters and how each one of them hunt. By all means talk to us.

I've memorized the video. I'm pretty good at making agitated howls using my howler built by yourself.
Last year I was able to howl in a few, it was neat. This year I'm up to 0.
So, if you have more to say, I'm intrested.

You can count me in also Rich. I love learning when it comes to coyotes. And everyday, there is something new to learn

My ways are so different also from most. I would much rather bark and howl then use another animal distress call. Now, I don't know if it is because it works or if it is a call that I just happen to love working with, with a sort of passion that makes me wants to be good at it and keep on working it?

Now there's a question to be thrown out to the board here, I think I'll do just that

Crow Woman
OK folks,
One of the most important things I have learned is that the majority of coyotes in my area come in silent. In other words when I howl, most of the coyotes do not howl back in response. They just flat COME.

Here is one very good example. I was in north-central nebraska about six weeks ago. I would have to look up the exact date, because I am so old that I can't remember. Anyway we knew that the pups had all hit the ground and turkey season was over, so there wouldn't be much human activity from other hunters to keep coyotes spooked. My host drove us to the foot of a hill that was so steep and tall that I named it Mt Everest. I had to stop and rest three or four times as we climbed to the top of that bugger. My host knew that coyotes used that area a lot for denning purposes.

When we reached the ridge-top I picked a spot where I could see down the ridge top for aways, while my host walked cross-wind for maybe a hundred yards or so to do the calling. My host (coycaller) howled once on his cow horn howler. He used what sounded to me like a rather high pitched lone howl, and I saw a coyote coming almost immediately. Coycaller howled again and I saw the coyote coming up a low spot. All I could see was head and neck of this incoming yote. He would come a few yards closer and then stand up on his hind legs and look for that coyote he just heard. Coycaller howled a third time, and when the coyote cleared the brush at about eighty yards I managed to miss him clean! Yep, thats right, a clean MISS. Lucky for me and unlucky for the coyote, he did not know where the shot came from and ran directly toward me while I worked the bolt on the mauser. At about fifty yards Mr. coyote made right turn and came past me a full bore. My second shot rolled him.
When I sit down to call, I usually begin with a lonesome howl. If I get a vocal response, or "howlback" then I try to imitate what the coyote just said. It makes em angry to have another coyote mock them. It seems that way to me anyway.

Now if I don't get a vocal response I will usually follow the first lonesome howl with another. I wait a second or two and then give a couple of barks folllowed by another lonesome howl. After that, I wait in silence for about three minutes. If no customer, I repeat the howl sequence and another few minutes of silence. Still no customer? Then I usually give em some prey distress screams. I don't use a rabbit distress because everyone else does that. I use bird distress or maybe puppy distress. I spend maybe 15-20 minutes on each stand, but this is an estimate because I never look at my watch to time myself.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-14-2003 08:49: Message edited by: Rich Cronk ]</font>
A few questions.
Do you spend more time on stands when howling?
By that I'm wondering if the coyotes take more time responding to a howl.
Also, how close do you try to get to them?

What tou described is similar to what I've done. I suspect I was within 4 or 500 yds. at the time. The area I call is massive and heavily vegitated with thick cedar trees seperated by 1/4 mile of sage covered wash bed. The thing runs forever. Its really tough to know where they're at at the time. Maybe even tougher to determine where territorial boundries might be. Its been mostly hit and miss in the past.

I'm trying not to veer too far from the simplicity of calling. That's what I got by on in the past. I just want rework my stratagy with some new ideas.

Your problems sound very similar to my own.
If we lived a little closer to our hunting area and took the time to locate some den area's, then we would know where the coyotes were in early morning. That will be true for another month or so anyway. Calling the thick cover can be a real head scratcher and that is for certain. That fact is main reason that I ordered a Loudmouth caller with some of my own sounds on it. Placing that caller cross-wind of my chosen hidey hole would be deadly on these close cover coyotes. Using my own sounds over the electronic caller would seem less like cheating, or at least in MY mind it would anyway. I don't spend more time on stand when howling, but maybe I should. Those howls can be heard for mighty long way.
Thanks Rich,
Ive often wodered how many coyotes I've called in and never seen in that cover. Attn. drawn away from me may be the key, which is why I will also get a Loudmouth the minute Wayne announces public availability. That's not the only reason though, I think it'll make a usefull tool for my videotaping. I'll continue to try locating at night and early AM. The dens got to be out there somewhere.

brad h,
You are on the right track my friend. If you saw my thread entitled Loudmouth caller, you probably already know that I will soon have a test model in my hands. I will keep everyone updated on results of my testing of the new Loudmouth. The sounds I will use will be those that I recorded myself and had them programmed into the Loudmouth. The sounds will mostly be those already mentioned above. I also had some of my lipsqueak sounds placed on that chip. I think we are gonna kick some coyote butt real soon.
Brad, I wouldn't bother looking for dens right now. The pups are big enough to move on their own and the adults will have moved them to what are called rendevous sites. These are usually the areas of heaviest cover in the vicinity. Intra-seasonal variation in response rates to coyote vocalization is well documented and it is a given that during pup-rearing season the residents tolerate boundary intrusions and may only defend the core area of their territory. There are two types of response that you can expect to your howls ,depending on type of howl and location of howl, and they are movement and vocal.There are two types of movement response, approach and retreat, again determined by howl type and location. Research with radio-collared coyotes has shown that coyotes move and vocalize less in response to howls during this period, but when they are inclined to do so they vocalize more to group yip-howls than to group howls and they approach more to lone howls than to group vocalizations. Finally, they found that coyotes vocalized more and moved SIGNIFICANTLY more to howls produced within core territories, than to those produced along boundaries or outside territories. Any light bulbs flicker, Brad? You did real well on a similar post on Huntmasters, I'll bet you can pick this one up and really run with it. Ideas?
Rich H,
WOW, that puts a whole new line of thought into play. This interesting, concitering I've never ventured down into what I thought to be the core area. It may just be a matter of approaching the stand, which can be handled with the right time of day.
Or completely altered altogether by using the ranch to the east.
Looks like I'm just think out loud now.
Yeah, I can go with this.

Rich Cronk
. "In other words when I howl, most of the coyotes do not howl back in response. They just flat COME."
I have a visual in my head now that is going to take weeks to get rid of. Thanks a lot, Cronk.
Rich H
I somewhat contradicted myself when asking about reactions. I knew what you meant, that's why I like keeping things simplified. Theres just too much to read into some things.
