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Howdy from the wet side of Oregon


Active member
Jan 5, 2019
Western Oregon
My name is Evan, I’m a 32 year old father of three boys and I live in the middle of the Willamette Valley. I’m also a Marine Corps veteran. I started hunting pheasants and grouse when I was 8 years old, and then deer and elk when I was 12. I never got into archery hunting. I was able to harvest several does and cows as a teenager, but had to take a break from hunting when I was active duty and then when my wife and I were going to college and taking care of our first boy.

I was finally able to get back into hunting last year and was able to get a cownelk last winter on a special drawing hunt on the Oregon coast, and this fall I was able to harvest my first buck! A very nice, big bodied Blacktail in the Cascade Foothills. I hunted the last two seasons with an AR10 but realized I much prefer a more traditional bolt action, so I now have a Howa Kuiu model that I can’t wait to take out and hopefully get a bull elk this year. I’m looking forward to talking with everyone here and hopefully improving my hunting skills.

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Thanks for the warm welcome. I’ll also point out that I’ve become a bit addicted to watching Fresh Tracks. I really like the vibe of it. Although 99% of my hunting has been in the thick, nasty, wet forests of Oregon, I’m hoping to branch out into eastern Oregon for elk and mule deer sometime in the next few years. I need to research what hunt units would work for me.
Thanks for the warm welcome. I’ll also point out that I’ve become a bit addicted to watching Fresh Tracks. I really like the vibe of it. Although 99% of my hunting has been in the thick, nasty, wet forests of Oregon, I’m hoping to branch out into eastern Oregon for elk and mule deer sometime in the next few years. I need to research what hunt units would work for me.

This Just IN......there are no deer or elk in Eastern Oregon, or chukars, quail, grouse, pheasant, steelhead, trout, bass, catfish or sturgeon.....Over! Oh, and by the way, welcome to the forum!
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This Just IN......there are no deer or elk in Eastern Oregon, or chukars, quail, grouse, pheasant, steelhead, trout, bass, catfish or sturgeon.....Over! Oh, and by the way, welcome to the forum!

Sounds like you know all the good places!
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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