How to post a picture


New member
Dec 20, 2000
Jackson, Wyoming
How to post a picture

First you can not post a picture from your hard drive. A picture must be uploaded onto the Internet in order for it to be posted. is a free pic hosting webpage. You can go there and set up your account and then put the links to the pics on the forum pages here. is another free pic hosting site but they place their name across the top of all your pictures. If you can, use someone else who doesn't need to mark up your pics with their advertising.

Geocities, Tripod and many of the free webpage hosts do not allow you to post your pictures outside of their domain. If you try, you will get the old dreaded box with the red X in it.

Try to keep your pic files under 75k each in file size and no larger than 600 pixels wide. This will make it faster to load once on the page. Please DO NOT post huge wide picture files that are too wide for people's monitors so they have to scroll back and forth to see the whole picture.

If you know of any places to store pictures, please post them here and we'll get a list going to choose from.

If you already have your pics stored on the Internet, this forum uses UBB code for images. Click on the gray "IMAGE" button
at the bottom of any forum post/reply page to see how to add the code if you're not familiar with UBB. When you click on the "IMAGE" button a window will open up for you to put the image address into. If you don't want to use the "IMAGE" button to insert the code for you, you can also just type the image code in manually in the post window like this
. However there can be no spaces.

To get the URL of the picture you wish to post, right click on the picture and then on properties and you can get the URL of it. Copy this URL and paste it as described above between the

We have a test forum to try any picture posting or link posting.
OkAY here is another explanation which is the same as Elky's but worded a little different

In order to get photos posted on this web site, you must first get them digitally into your computer. This is easy enough if you have a digital camera, but for those shooting film you can either have your film processor create a CD of your photos at the same time they print your photos, or if you have access to a scanner, you can scan them in yourself.

For posting photos on the web, you'll only need a small version of the photo to keep the pages loading quickly and not to eat your photo web storage space. 72dpi is the best resolution. A vertical image is fine at about 4-5 inches and a horizontal at about 5-6 inches is fine.

Be sure that when you are sizing a photo for the web that you crop and size a "Copy" of the original, NOT the original.

You will need to store your images on the web either on your own web site or on another photo hosting site like Save a copy of your chosen photos to upload to the hosting site at the sizes reccomended above to a either a folder you have created, ie; called "My Web Photos", or simply to the desktop of your computer. Follow the directions of the hosting site in order to get the photos uploaded.

Once uploaded, you will want to create a link to the hosting site in your "Favorites" folder.

Once your photos are hosted, you'll need to get them into the forums. When starting your thread that will contain one or more of your photos, type the text of the post, then click on the "Image" button below the text box. A second small window will appear on the screen with "http://" that wants the rest of the address to your photos. At this point, the easiest way to get that address is to copy and paste it in there. This will seem complicated at first, but is really very simple after it's done a time or two.

Click on "File" at the top of the web page, followed by "New" and then "Window". Once the new window has opened, which will look like a duplicate of the page you were on, click on "Favorites," then on the link to the hosting site. Once at the hosting site, double click on the title of the image you want to post. The image should appear in just a second or two. What you will want to do now is to left click and hold as you move the cursor/mouse over the www.address including the www., but not the http.

Once the copy is highlighted, release the left mouse button and press and hold the "ctrl" button and the "C" key at the same time. You have now copied the address to your computer. Close the hosting page and return to the page that includes the thread you are creating. Be sure the flashing "I" bar is next to the "http://" in the small window and press and hold the "ctrl" and "v" keys at the same time, pasting the address in the box. The image address should now appear in the small window. Click OK. Click "Add Reply" or "Add New Topic" as the situation requires.
sorry I'm so slow about this pc stuff, just feel like I'm dancing with someone elses wife,, and like'in it. LOL If I can just get this down it will sure make the stories better. thank you for takeing the time to explain it to me. Now if I can just retain it we'll all be happy.

I will work on it today and see what I can get done.


Thanks John,

I'm working on another route at the moment but will send some your way asap.

Thanks again
p.s. I put your BB in my favorites