PEAX Equipment

How to Impress A Woman

Quick Draw

New member
May 20, 2001
How To Impress A Woman:

* Wine her,
* Dine her,
* Call her,
* Hug her,
* Support her,
* Hold her,
* Surprise her,
* Compliment her,
* Smile at her,
* Listen to her,
* Laugh with her,
* Cry with her,
* Romance her,
* Encourage her,
* Believe in her,
* Pray with her,
* Pray for her,
* Cuddle with her,
* Shop with her,
* Give her jewelry,
* Buy her flowers,
* Hold her hand,
* Write love letters to her,
* Go to the end of the Earth and back again for her.

How to impress a man:

* Show up naked.
*Bring chicken wings.
*Don't block the TV.

Quick Draw
Most women really in all honesty, don't like guys to "be themselves" that is where the term "men are pigs" originated... :D:D:D
no no no... the way to impress a woman is not to open your mouth. Most women like men before they start talking then they go and say something stupid and kill it all!!!