How to handle hate mail from an activist?


New member
Aug 10, 2002
I know the civil thing to do would be to delete the email and ignore this dude, but I'd rather humiliate this guy. This email was sent to me from the writer (Barney...a Canuck, go figure) who evidently is frustrated that I was involved in the killing of the big brown bear from several years back.

I figure if anyone was feeling bored and a little mischievous tonight, you could get some cheap entertainment by sending this dude some mail...or not.

Here are the emails I started receiving last night...

That's right dipshit. That is the only way the hunter can win is that
bear is dumber than he is.

----- Original Message -----
To: "Barney" <[email protected]>
Sent: Sunday, August 07, 2005 10:51 PM
Subject: Re: bear hunt

> You're calling me stupid? Do you know that bears
> can't write?
> You are pretty bright there Barney. Thanks for the
> email.
> --- Barney <[email protected]> wrote:
> > I hope to hell that the next story I read is the
> > bear's version of how I got two stupid bastard
> > hunters.
i could email him about the deer that had to be beat to death with a shovel.
I say we all bombard this Fella tomorrow morning with a similar Email. I'm sure we can Come up with something funny :D :D

MAybe send a Few Hunting pictures ?

I knew you would agree. Guess he didn't feel like playing last new hate mail.
Tell him that if he can find a way to make them stay on the BBQ alive, we'll go for it. Otherwise, shut-up.

I sent our poor Barney a little note to get things going...

I see your having issues with the poor animals and us big bad hunters....

I hope you don't believe half the drivel you posted in an e-mail about a big bruin that bit the dust to an honest hunt.

But then again, I would assume you have no idea of the skill or even dumb luck some times it takes to do an actual hunt, poor city dude as you seem to portray, are trapped in your own gross box, not understanding what it really means or takes to be a man.

I am assuming from your letter to one of my friends that you really are big and purple with the mentality of a cornered four year old who doesn't have enough worldly experience to understand reality past a grade school understanding of the real works of how the world turns.

What a toad...
Not yet, I was hoping I would get some rise so as to stir the pot and give you pot stirrers some thing to smile about... :)

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