How old is too old to go on a solo sheep hunt? Or - That's the way a want to go...

I've never drawn a sheep or goat tag. I'm 54 now and since 2011 I've hunted tahr in NZ four times, and each time I tell myself I'm too old for this. Looks like I'll be hunting them again in 2018 ( God willing )
Age is just a number. I've seen old 40-year-olds and young 70-year-olds. All sheep habitat is not created equally as well. If you question your ability to do it, you're probably "too old."
Peculiar post considering I think your last one was about the sheep tag you drew. Hope youre not having second thoughts.

Oak has it right when he says not all sheep country is created equal.

Solo sucks at any age and, despite its popularity, is a surefire way to screw up that sheep tag. Find some good help that you can get along with when things arent fun.
That nvborn is pretty smart. :eek: There will be days when it's not fun and you need support.

My golden rule of sheep hunting... Never, ever, EVER let the sheep tagholder go alone. Anywhere. Make them leave their rifle behind if they go to relieve themselves. That's how people make mistakes that haunt them forever.
Im not a huge solo guy myself, some people are and some arent. Theres a place and time for solo hunts i.e. spring bear, antelope, maybe a after work deer cruise but not a sheep hunt in the high counrty. However, some people absolutley love solo hunting, and kudos to them for that. NVBighorn makes a valid point though, a solo guy can talk himself into doing something a lot quicker that he'll later regret then if he had a buddy or two with him to consult with. A special hunt like a sheep hunt I like to share them with a buddy or two they don't come around too often. My hunting partner, who happens to be my brother in law has guided for quite a few years in Alaska for multiple species and his exact words are " there's something to say about cromradery on a hunt, especially a sheep hunt" because you never know what could happen on a hunt up in the high country or you need that extra push to keep going or get weathered in for 3 days in your solo tent. In my mind that would f****** suck at least you got a buddy or son or whatever there to share laughs with and play cards. Just my two cents though.
I hit the wall around 54 or 55. Core strength and balance were annoyingly a tad bit less than needed as a hunter to keep from a few extra slips and tumbles each day. The toll on the body adds up with each stumble.

I will now go guided on any tag that is in the steep stuff. More eyes for glassing and for judging trophy quality. I popped a bull moose last year that had significant ground shrinkage. I had never shot a critter that was much different than thought as decided to pull the trigger. The bull was an easy pack out to the truck so all ended great. If had a seasoned moose guy next to me, would have held off as I thought was a few inches over 40" yet was around 36" with no fronts. Doh. But, easy pack out, especially when a great guy showed up to help that afternoon. Hard to second guess since I could have torn up myself packing solo from a hell hole back off the road several hundred yards.
Age does not matter. As with most everything else in life, It's all in the will and the want
I say never to old might not cover the miles or country used to but give it a go with what you are comfortable with .
I don't know what's too old, I suppose that is on an individual basis. But my take on solo sheep hunting....
It's 10x better to go with the RIGHT people than solo. It's 100x better to go solo than with the wrong people.

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