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How much water do you carry in your pack?

A plastic half liter bottle. Its very rarely hot enough to worry about dehydration here but I like to have some just in case i get a tickle in my throat. I may carry an unopened bottle for 5 days but as soon as its opened the plastic gets noisy so I swap it out for a new unopened one.
Just a day hunt? I can get by with a quarter to a half gallon on a hunt like that.

Staying the night and hunting the next day? 1 gallon.

To me, though, nothing worse than dehydration on a hunt. Headaches and muscle cramps suck. I really like the liquid IVs and don’t mind the sugar when I’m exerting a lot of energy. I’d recommend some sort of electrolyte supplement to go with whatever amount of water you bring, as it will help you be more hydrated with the water you drink. You lose a lot of electrolytes throughout the day.
A 3 liter bladder with another bottle. And NOT water. I would fill with something with elecrolites in it. Power Aid is usually my choice because I don't like gateraide
I generally bring 3 liters or so in my water bladder and keep an empty smart water bottle with a sawyer kit for emergencies. I don't always use it up, but when I get something on the ground that extra water to sip away at is heavenly come meat packing time.
3 Liters, and I'll only drink 2.5 of that because I'm not good at drinking water unless its real warm out, I'll make coffee twice probably too.
If there's that little amount of water, perhaps you should consider if the elk are even there??

Like someone else who commented, I find it hard to accept that Idaho has that little amount of water unless you just can't make the mental jump to drink any kind of filtered or sterilized spring water.
For a full day in September, usually a full nalgene and 2 liters in a dromedary. I'll chug as much water as I can before leaving to hunt for the day.
With my msr water filter, it depends on water locations along my trek.
I'm a little shocked at how much water people are bringing, for a 7 mile hike in those conditions I'd bring a liter, and if I'm hanging out and making a day out of it I'd maybe bring a second liter but would be very unlikely to finish it... prehydrating is important, I usually drink at least a liter before I start doing anything and at least one when I'm done.
I always have 3 liters and usually fill it at least once. I drink a lot though. On a normal day, I'll drink two gallons though, so a lot of it is a personal thing.

Like has been said, if there are no springs, or seeps, what are the elk drinking?
3 liters bladder does it for me. That will last all day for me 99% of the time. I also keep a filter in my pack. I usually refill my pack once a day when I am on backpack hunts. It's usually not empty but I fill it once a day while I am away from camp (usually middle of the day or after dark). Last few years for my big backpack trip we have been filling a bladder like container that folds up when empty. I believe it is about 4 gallons. We fill that up first day and leave it in camp. Use that up for cooking and drinks in camp.
I normally bring a 28 oz. of Power aid or equal for the day. I can go pretty good depending on temps without water. Everyone's different. Some people need more water or they will develop some problems.
I’m in the hydrate at the truck and then go forth group. I normally carry two Nalgenes of water and the ability to retrieve water if necessary. It’s never been necessary.
I cut my water down when I know an area and if there is water. If I’m unfamiliar with the area or if the status of water sources due to lack of precipitation I bring more. So 2liters pretty standard. The one thing I always bring is the ability to carry more water, so a folding 1 liter bottle that empty is always in my pack.
Ive ran out of water and it blows. You have to remember the water youll use for cooking too.

Ive found that i drink TOO much water out of bladders and dont limit myself enough. Nalgene and some water sacks with lids for me - id take at least a gallon going that far.
I have been comfortable with a 2 liter Platy bladder and then a 32 oz Nalgene. I like to put an electrolyte mix in the Platy bladder to sip on and then have pure water in Nalgene in case I want to make ramen or have a mid-day instant coffee with the MSR pocket rocket stove. I always carry Aquatabs and/or Lifestraw, plus I have a proper water filter in my kit. I don't pass on an opportunity to stop for a brief break to filter some water if available.

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