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How much time spent in a unit

If I know an area has elk, because I scouted it already, then I'll move twice a day until I find elk. Generally don't have to actually change units, but sometimes.

But if I'm going in blind I give it two days, then I'll move.

Now if I'm talking WA high buck, I'll go the better part of a decade without seeing a deer before I'll try somewhere else.
So how much time would you spend hunting in a unit before moving on to another?

Going to try to hunt 1-3 units I'm thinking 3-4 days in each unit depending on how things are going based on sign, sightings, if I heard elk bugleing....what would be ideal 🤔

If I am seeing fresh sign (even without seeing elk) in an area I am familiar with I am not going to move to an unknown area too quickly. If I am only seeing stale sign then moving makes sense. Don't leave elk to find elk...
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