how much do you spend on a round of trap/skeet?


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2021
I have nowhere convenient to throw my own regularly as I'm in a bigger city. Went to do a few rounds of trap. Paid 10 for shells and a round of trap was $14 (!). 24 bucks for a round of trap that takes less than 10 minutes. Cripes! How much does it cost you for a round of trap? Are you a member of a club and if so what's the up front fee there?
Trap/skeet: w/ membership- $5, $7 for non-members w/ no ammo. Not much different than 30 years ago.

5 stand or sporting clays is $20-30/50 clays at most ranges in SW MI. Most charge $10/25 for target loads.
I do sporting clays every week in a league. 50 birds. It's 10 bucks per week and since I shoot 20 gauge it's about 9 bucks for a box of shells. So 19 bucks for 50 birds and about an hour with my dad (typically only hour I see him in a week).
Skeet: $5 range fee, plus your own shells, plus we each contribute a box of clays ($10) for 2 rounds. So roughly $35 total cost for two rounds.

Trap: $25 annual membership, plus $5 per round, plus your shells. Shoot as many rounds as you like.
Sounds about right. I suspected I was paying premium city prices, as I am used to paying about $7 too. Oh well...
Took the oldest boy a couple weeks back $4.50 per 25 per person. What you paid seems price, but might as well get used to it everything's up and not going anywhere.
Just went and shot a sporting clays course this past Thursday. Think it was $26 for 50 clays. Kind of tough to break down a price for it all, I figure it works out to be maybe $10-$15 more than just shooting hand thrown clays. IMO the price differential is worth it for the semi-realistic shot scenarios found bird hunting (i.e, birds coming towards me, crossing, over the shoulder etc,) as well as the cost of not wasting my more expensive hunting loads on missing shots while out.

There's a lot I could cut out of my day-to-day expenditures to cover the cost if I was that concerned with it.
A small group of us built a private skeet club starting in 1990. Thru the years we have built into 2 skeet fields with Beomat machines, a 5 stand set up, a nice clubhouse, a well that enables us to have lush green grass on the infields and around the clubhouse. We pay target costs only ($4). The current buyin is $11k and we vet all prospective members. I think we have 28 current members.
$7.50 for a round of trap.
$8.00 for a round of skeet.
$7ish for a box of shells.

The sodas and snacks on the way cost more than the actual range fees and shells!
I learned that trap prices are reasonable and soda and snacks are expensive in your neck of the woods…. That or you enjoy very fine snacks!
I haven’t shot in years but it was five bucks per round of trap or sleep last time I went to our local club.
$5 TRAP plus ammo - $25 annual membership fee for this sportsman club which also has 25,50- & 100-yard rifle/pistol range

$5 Trap plus ammo
$10 Sporting Clays plus ammo
This specific club is $40 for family membership which also has archery range and 25 through 600-yard rifle range.

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