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How many people...

Tom, You've been out in the Texas sun for too long if posts are talking to you... Man you gotta get a dog or something....

Cali, I'm glad to see you agree with the assessment.. Just don't be so proud of the title...


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 06-04-2003 13:48: Message edited by: danr55 ]</font>
Calif Hunter,

Upon further review, I see two options.

Option 1: You remain a "Smart Ass", as your post of "Me Too" was directly following Moosie and DelW's Smart Ass posts.


Option 2: We demote you "Dumb Ass" for not posting further information, to point out that you were agreeing with DM432 and Bullhound who were 3 posts above.

I have generally preferred to be a Smart Ass vs. a Dumb Ass....

I would like to say I agree with you, but every time I read your post, I don't understand it...
I believe 99% of my posts are me being a Smart Ass, and if anyone takes offense, it is purely unintentional. And for that I apologise now, and in the future.

And it would be great to get some new perspectives. Hell, half the time I have to invent an opinion on these topics, just to ammuse myself...
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Hell, half the time I have to invent an opinion on these topics, <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>On this forum, you are not alone!

I post here because I've learned and will learn many things here. One of which I find most important is how different people can view a given issue. In the past, I've often stepped outside of my realm (of which I am king) of knowledge, which leads to little contribution on my part. I hope we can keep these types of discussions open, as I feel it's important for the future of hunting that issues are kept open and discussed.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 06-05-2003 08:38: Message edited by: 1_pointer ]</font>
I don't come on here very often!!!

But when I do, I really love to see an honest debate going, I learn volumes about the sportsmans topics and enjoy the whole process as I go along, I take what both sides say, put in what I know and come away a better more informed person for it...Some may not think so, but ya can't make them all happy or this would be a sucky place to be...