Caribou Gear

How many people are mad at me? Arizona Elk Tag


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2011
This winter was the first year I dove in and researched units that had big bulls, somewhat decent drawing opportunities, and fit my style of hunting. I ended up putting in for unit 27 early archery elk as first choice with three points AND DREW IT as a nonresident. I still can't believe it, and until I get the tag I probably won't. I look around on google earth daily, and am now down to looking for game trails, water holes that aren't on the map, thicker timber, stuff like that. I also have had some help from guys on facebook giving me some areas to check out and where they've seen some good bulls. Taking it as solid info (you never know who's BSing you or how many of these guys call a 330 bull a 400) but I'm anxious to get down there and look around for myself to see what I can turn up this summer. If anybody has any info you wouldn't mind sharing, I'm all ears....if not you can cuss me and my good fortune, I understand! :D
Part of the unit was damaged by a huge fire 5-6 years ago. That burn should be prime with new aspen. Check it out this summer. GJ
Part of the unit was damaged by a huge fire 5-6 years ago. That burn should be prime with new aspen. Check it out this summer. GJ

My brother had the same tag 2 years ago, we had a blast. grandejuan is correct about the new aspen growth but sometimes it can be a hindrance. We had several occasions when we had a bull bugling back at us only 15-20 yards away but we couldn't see it through the wall of new aspen growth that was about 10-12 feet tall.
Here's a pic from that area just to get the juices flowing, it was covered in elk sign.
Good luck with your scouting and on your hunt.

0915151056-00 (2).jpg
Good luck & good hunting!
Never hunted it ,but go thru to get to part of a NM unit I hunt. Watched great bulls go from NM to AZ & back.
The burns are good with the exception of the aspens,junipers & oaks that have come back as mentioned. Makes it hard to glass sometimes.
Good cover,good feed. Good elk.
Yep, you will have a blast. Hopefully you'll be able to hunt the entire season. Just an incredible tag. Bring your fishing pole when you scout, a lot of good trout fishing all around there
You drew a helluva tag POk3s. Its one of my favorite units...
Had the same hunt last season and dumbed into this little guy:FullSizeRender copy.jpg

Its easily in the top two most physically demanding units in the AZ so be prepared.

The elk in 27 are A-holes
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There are some big ol' suckers if you can find them
IMG_1938 copy.JPG

But if you must settle for less than a 400 incher, there are options all over
IMG_1927 copy.JPG

Good luck, man. you have a long summer ahead of you... Enjoy it.

Thanks for your replies guys. Just to get pictures of the unit, animals in it, and the "good lucks" gets the juices flowing for me. It's all becoming part of this experience of drawing a premium tag in another state.....which is a first.

I have heard plenty about the fire in my research. Sounds as though the elk really love it in there now? In a perfect world I'd like to work hard to find an area with less people and couple huge bulls to spend the hunt chasing them. Idk if I can do this whole waterhole thing, I can hardly hunt waterholes for antelope in Wyoming hahahahaha. But whatever I think will make me successful I'll do. I'm prepared for a physical hunt, as that's how I hunt the vast majority of the time, and getting away from other people and roads greatly enhances the experience for me.

Correct me if you guys disagree but I've been told that the vast majority of the people will be where those county roads are in the northwest portion of the unit. There's also a ton of elk there and a couple of great bulls get taken out of it every year. I'm looking at scouting out the Bear Wallow Wilderness, some of the Blue Range Primitive Area, and around the fringes of both of these locations. From what I've been told there's a lot less hunters in this area. Also have been told the pressure will greatly decrease after the first weekend. Seems silly to me that people would draw this tag and only hunt the first few days....but I guess it's possible.