How many people are hunting local ?

That depends on what you call LOCAL 100,200, 300 miles. I'm going to hunt INSTATE if that what you mean. I could hunt local in side of 50 miles, but I think it will be more like 200 miles up by Eureka MT.
Long trip good hunt. I'm going the other way for deer and antelope Glendive MT. :eek:
Local with 3 deer, 3 antelope, and 2 elk tags in WY...2 deer tags and 1 elk tag in MT, 1 javelina tag in AZ.

Next year I'm going to get serious.
Well, it's a hard thing to admit and even harder to drag myself to the Gila mtns again, but thats were I drew, so off I go. Fairly good spot for a local hunting hole. Since I'm bow hunting for elk there, I might as well use my mule deer tag and bear tag there also!
All my hunting will be here in Idaho. Local....well, 300 miles away if that is considered local!! I've only got a week to hunt deer/elk during the archery so I had better slay the first propeller heads I see!!
I'll be flying out for my self guided archery elk hunt in Colorado Wednesday of this week!!
:D I can't wait to get back to the Rockies.

I also applied for a PA elk tag..........we have HUGE bulls but the odds of getting a tag are great. It would be a real long shot but still I have a chance
goin' to Idaho for deer, elk, mtn lion and bear or was it beer--and then of course here in CA for deer and hogs--chris

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