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How many packs do you have?

How many packs do you currently own?

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1 Suspension from Kuiu, then 3 bags that I switch between on that frame!
How do you like the suspension? Is there a meat shelf on them or I guess can you put a quarter between bag and frame? Assume you can remove the bag and just use their frame to haul quarters?
How do you like the suspension? Is there a meat shelf on them or I guess can you put a quarter between bag and frame? Assume you can remove the bag and just use their frame to haul quarters?
It's comfortable! There's no meat shelf, but like you said you can put the quarter between the bag and frame. You can take the bag off, but I just leave it on when hauling quarters. I know guys who put quarters in game bags then fit it in their larger multi day bags like the 5500 size and cinch it down. To each their own!
Let's see her . Mr marshall. E-stock g4 operator, e-stock m5 elk, e-stock don't which one, then for a day pack something I picked up while on a trip in Japan. Then a couple little packs from wally world for day to day use with work.
I have a Mr sawtooth, and I really really like the fit and design. I have yet to get it bloody but it's super comfy under a sandbag. I didn't know if it would count but I have a mountainside fanny pack that goes to the bird field or the tree stand with me for snacks and stuff. It also strangely enough is the exact size of a six pack of beer..
I have way too many but I like to have a daypack/meathauler, an expedition sized pack and a small quiet daypack without frame for archery when I don't plan on packing meat.
God only knows. It would take days of digging in my garage to find out. Strata of packs in there. Hell, I still have (and use) the Kelty frame I bought for boy scout hikes almost 40 years ago...
I have 2 for backpack hunting in the Adirondack mountains. A sling pack for fishing salmon and trout a small backpack for hiking but I don’t use a backpack for deer hunting. I wear Woolrich hunting coats and vests with a game pouch while deer hunting.
I have 3 one is so old and small I use it for tree stand hunting here in Pa another a bit bigger but not much, was a work promo for Tam its black n grey but nice and I use it for kinda the same then my EXO for western hunts
2, just got a metcalf, fits great. Have an alps ext. frame can’t remember what bag. It can haul a metric shit ton, but a bit heavy for daily use.
I have one nice fairly new Browning oversize daypack with kidney pads (why?), rain cover, etc. I use it for long hikes and fishing. Second pack is a cheap small red daypack I bought at the university book store years ago. It has a belly strap and is my go to for day hunting. Lightweight and not bulky. And lastly, I still have my dad's WWII surplus plywood ammo pack board. It is great for packing meat. Also still have my packsaddle and packboxes but alas horses are long gone.
I probably have 6-8 different pack from the military. Then 1 cabelas frame pack that I use for hauling stuff and 1 MR Marshall I never use.
2 main big game packs. 1 waterfowl blind bag (does that count?). Then a few hiking/backpacking packs.