PEAX Equipment

How many deer on average do you see per hunting day?

Just deer as in mule, white does, and bucks?
Depending on where I'm hunting.
On the prairies maybe 100, in the mountains, probably half that. In the heavy forest, maybe 10/20.
Shooters? That's a different story.
Do I get to count the ones I see in the headlights driving to the Public or just the ones I see hiking with a rifle in hand?

It was pretty amazing how many more deer I saw on private when I was up in your neck of the woods. The few bucks with any age on them I saw while up there were all on private.
Would depend on how “hunting day” is defined.

I don’t keep a journal of all sightings and all hours spent hunting.

On the public land I hunt here, if I see more than one family group of deer I don’t say “I only saw x amount of deer” when I get back to camp.

My best day this season on public for deer sightings was 10. I saw no deer at all more days than I like to think about.

A conservative estimate would be that I deer hunted at least some on 40 different days this season mostly on public land.

May be more like 50 days...

I prefer to hunt all day but my j-o-b gets in the way.

Wish I’d have been born rich, or at least good looking....

I see I replied back in 2020. This still holds pretty true. This past season was exceptionally tough probably due to lack of time to hunt. On our private I probably averaged between 1 or 2 deer a day. I figure I only made about 15 hunts on private. I only made a handful of hunts on public and I don't remember seeing but a couple of deer, so less than 1 deer on public this past season.

I saw more deer in the 4.5 days that I was on a certain place turkey hunting this year than I have in the last 2 seasons combined where I usually hunt. I will be back there for a good portion of my deer hunting time this season.
Hunting blacktail in western Oregon, typically 0. Driving back out after dark, more like 2-4.

I’ve seen more deer when I’m hunting turkeys than when I’m hunting deer.
Thought this would be a interesting thread.
So many variables can be tossed in here to muddy it up but to keep it somewhat clear generally how many animals do you expect to see on a given hunt in your area on a average day afield. I've hunted quite a few different states for whitetail and it's amazing the differences on how these numbers change per region.

In the Appalachian Mountains here on Virginia public land an average day would be maybe 0 to 3
A good day would be 4 to 5
Many days however it's 0
In the valleys on private though you can see quite a few more but that's the generally the norm everywhere.
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