How do you deal with gifts for nieces and nephews....

Nerf guns always the go too. It’s how I keep close to my nephew’s from far away. Always a pick me up nerf war when I come visit and the newer cooler nerf guns get em exited.

Don’t ask Santa from Chicago for nerf guns, he makes kids cry when he tells them he doesn’t give guns to kids.
Our family has grown to the point, we draw names every year. You cannot draw your spouse's name. The maximum gift is $75. But, my immediate family still buys each other gifts that are reasonably priced.
Sounds like he needs a BB gun and pocket knife.
Southern elk beat me to it! Get the kid a BB gun. There wasn't a chipmunk within 3 miles of me that was safe when I was 8-14 or so. I shot so many chipmunks, it was a massacre every day. I used to pack up my hunting backpack with some rope, a Leatherman, some snaring wire I found, and extra pellets and some snacks and walk back into the woods behind our house for the day and shoot chipmunks, squirrels and rabbits (during season). Heck, a fresh snow one morning showed a set of Coyote tracks. One of the neighbor boys and I followed it. We caught up to the Coyote and I think I put a BB in its ass as it ran away. That was thrilling for a kid!

Man I miss those days. Not a care in the world.
I've only got the two nephews (on my side) so I give them a choice, $50 or go "do" something with Unk...

Both choose to go DO something. This year A and I are going skiing (his first time) and S is learning to shoot my .22 (and maybe more.)
I really like this idea. My sister has 2 kids now, one is 3 and the other is 9 months. I took the 3 year old fishing this past summer. She saw me with the boat and wanted to fishing with uncle Ryan. Guess who gets asked about going fishing all the time now!
Not true. I just wish I'd get a thank you. AITA if I donate money in their names since they don't thank me anyway?
Uncle would you like to donate to the American heart association per how many jumprope I do. I love that one.
give them a gift card or just put an end to the buying gifts for Neices and nephews.
I can’t stand the mass amount of worthless shit my kids end up with around Christmas. I plead with everyone to stop buying it but they won’t listen.
Check in the stocking. The good kids get a card with it with a few of my precious added unique words of wisdom. The bad ones get the check wrapped up ... in an old pair of my jockey shorts. Skidmark added for the worst offenders.
I guess mine have got the wisdom I bestowed on them over the early years. LOL
I expect the same in return, seeing I never hear from any of them anymore outside of the xmas photo cards.
Besides they are way better off $ wise than I am, and I'm just an old with cancer. Surely not woke enough now.
I have gotten no phone calls since their moms told them Uncle Hank has cancer.

No help here. LOL

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