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Okay, a few of you know that I am really interested in backpack hunting. I already have a pack. It's not a great one, but I feel it is good enough for a beginner. It's the Alaskan 2 out of Cabelas. My question is how do I carry my gun into the back country?? Can I strap it to the pack itself, or do I have to carry it in with my hands. There is these little things that kinda look like cup holders on it, down at the very bottom on each sided and it looks like the butt of my rifle would fit right into them. Also, the side pockets aren't connected fully to the pack, they are just attached on the sides, so it looks as though I could slide my rifle down and the but would go into the little cup holder looking thing I was talking about. I can tighten it down at the bottom but at the top I can't seem to find a strap so that my gun will stay secure. If any of you know how I do it, please help me out. Thanks.