
How cold at your place?

They are 6 years old. I think we have had something go wrong with them every year. I’m not impressed.
Can not think of anyone who has said they've never had an issue in the first 5 with one, most being like yours.

Boards. Pumps. Coils. Leaks. Issues that far outpace FA/HE pumps/window units/ahu etc. Not to mention everything else that comes along with geo.

I’m not sure why the architect and engineer chose to go with the geothermal route.

$. And somebody else's to boot.
Can not think of anyone who has said they've never had an issue in the first 5 with one, most being like yours.

Boards. Pumps. Coils. Leaks. Issues that far outpace FA/HE pumps/window units/ahu etc. Not to mention everything else that comes along with geo.

$. And somebody else's to boot.
We have made progress. We think the heat exchanger is limed up. We are getting water on one side but not on the other. I’m probably not saying that correctly as this is definitely out of my wheel house.
Power popped back on about 6 pm yesterday. House was 47 degrees and the pipes survived 3 days without power. I think the snow really insulated the house.
Some years I put up a snow fence, and I'm not sure how much of a difference it makes. There's a quarter section behind the garage that blows in tons of snow.
Have a similar situation at my place.
Permanent fence helps but not entirely.
In the case of yours, if that drift was 30% smaller it would still be a win, no?😀
24 again and heading to 40's for a few days. Still cold nights.
Snow has shrank down some. 1-2 feet now. Still drifts and piles of snow over the fences. 1 lane.

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