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How big must a bull or buck be to mount?


Active member
Jun 22, 2016
I recently harvested a pretty good bull, especially in SD. I have not really planned on shoulder mounting an elk or buck in the before. What would your threshold be to decide on mounting a bull or buck?
Totally personal preference. I go European to save money my self, but if he's big in your eyes and has a good story why not do a shoulder mount?

Also, in SD your chances of another bull aren't great depending on your age and other points left, so it may be a once in a lifetime bull... Just another thought
We’ve never really based doing a mount off of size. If the animal is special to you, or there’s a fun story that the critter reminds you of then go for it. I mounted the first bull I ever shot which was a 5 pt raghorn. I’ve shot many bulls bigger than him now, but he’s still one of my favorites cause it brings back memories everytime I look at it. We do have way too much taxidermy in a small house though. If you have room for him I’d say go for it. Congrats on the bull
Something to keep in mind that I didn't when I was having so much fun killing and having everything mounted. Now that we are planning a cross country move i have to deal with all these plus all the ones on the backside of the board. Not looking forward to this.
If you like it put him up, I've mounted things people ask why? Because I like him and it was an adventure that's why........ when he's done let's see him!
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Something to keep in mind that I didn't when I was having so much fun killing and having everything mounted. Now that we are planning a cross country move i have to deal with all these plus all the ones on the backside of the board. Not looking forward to this.
That's a very good point, btw nice whitey wall!
I am sure you have heard it before, but size really doesn't matter. Will it be a trigger for good memories? I don't worry about impressing anyone. Heck, I did a euro of a small 6 point deer because it was my first taken with a bow and I wanted the memory.
Like everyone said personal preference. For me with the cost of taxidermy and space it takes up I am 170 for a WT, 190 for a mulie, probably do a 340 sask elk a bear has to be 20”, if I shot a 78” sask antelope I would consider and not sure if I would do a moose shoulder Mount Ever. If I did it would be big over 50” with big paddles
As others mentioned, its all dependent upon the situation. Id have no issue doing a euro on any size. Shoulder Mounts should be set aside for special memories or certain characteristics the animal had. From maybe a damaged ear, certain throat patch etc.

For me, no matter what I would want a certain size also, something that represents the class/animal well.
330 elk
180 muley
150 whitetail
73-75 Antelope
Nothing that is monstrous but those have/seem to be a standard bench mark for those animals. Least to me.
Personal preference, of course. Personally, I'm not sure I'd ever do a full shoulder mount. Really like euro mounts tho.
If it appeals to you, mount it. I like European skull mounts, so pretty inexpensive. I have a 3 point whitetail where one side is 2 points on top one one bottom, the other side the reverse.

Head hunting never appealed to me.
Personal preference... and wall space, and disposable cash. I tend to spend cash on acquiring more animals rather than mounts
I have been leaning this way the last couple years as well. tags and or guns or gear. I full body mounted my OIL mountain goat and after spending thousands on it, i still look at it and think, was it worth it?
Personally I think it comes down to what its going to mean to you. I have two head mounts a whitetail and elk. The whitetail was special because it was my first, it was first kill with my wife and the experience was very memorable. He's not even that big but a decent representation of a mature animal. My elk wasn't my first elk or first with a bow, but he was my first branch antler bull after years and years of dedication and hard work with the goal of shooting a branch antler bull. Again not huge by any means hes in the mid 200's but to me he represents so much more and I wanted to have that reminder and memory. I actually got a bigger bull this year but didn't even think about mounting it, it also holds great memories but not the same struggle.

Hope that helps, I would spend the money if its for the right reasons I think a head mount can be a great memory and wall art piece.
To mount or not to mount, I’m surprised no else has mentioned this. So here’s an option, have it done as a euro mount but also have the hide tanned for a possible shoulder mount at a later date. In the future if you decide not to shoulder mount the bull you could sell the hide to a taxidermist and probably recoup your costs. Just a thought.
As others have said size is a personal choice on mounting. My personal experience is I have a couple of shoulder mounts of deer that if I had to do over again would have been European mounts. At the time they were my biggest deer but over the years I killed many more that were bigger. Now I will only shoulder mount a deer if it is very unusual or makes the "books". Other animals especially those that are more rare for me to harvest I would consider taxidermy vs Euro mounting. I have so many mounts of deer that I have little space left. Also when I owned my archery shop I had plenty of room for taxidermy but after I closed my business room is scarce. I love looking at my mounts and reflecting back on the hunts. To me taxidermy is art and the animals we harvest are beautiful. Long winded opinion but that is my 2 cents.

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