How are folks selling their firearms online these days? Do you list on certain sites?

I sell on Gunbroker. They reach a pretty large market and sale prices are generally good. There is a bit of a learning curve with the processes but its easy once you figure it out.
Bought a number of guns, and some ammo and lightly used or like new scopes there...selling gas a reputation of being a pain in the Butt after changes in recent years. If you have a common gun I'm not sure you wouldn't do better with less hassle selling other ways. Uncommon or older in great condition it makes more sense IMO. I've been thinking about selling a rare Remington one but prices seem to have come down.

I might try Guns International first.

Not sure 311s are worth much in 12. They are solid guns (I have a similar old Stevens 5100) but don't seem to generate much interest there were a lot of them made. If it's choked IC/Mod it would get more interest I think..
There seems to be 3 general strategies on Gunbroker.

1. Since it’s free to list, list it for over value and let it sit there for months hoping someone buys it. This seems to be the majority of sellers, which is annoying.

2. List it for around what it’s worth and keep relisting until it sells.

3. Start an auction for $0.01 and let it roll. The majority of the time this gets close to the blue book value but sometimes the buyer gets a great deal.
There seems to be 3 general strategies on Gunbroker.

1. Since it’s free to list, list it for over value and let it sit there for months hoping someone buys it. This seems to be the majority of sellers, which is annoying.

2. List it for around what it’s worth and keep relisting until it sells.

3. Start an auction for $0.01 and let it roll. The majority of the time this gets close to the blue book value but sometimes the buyer gets a great deal.
I’ve done 2 and 3. The prices I’ve got were good. I’ve bought and sold on GB. Everything has been good except for one Ahole buyer.

I’ve bought/sold a bunch locally too. I used Sportsman’s warehouse parking for transfers. No one is going to panic seeing a gun there.
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So sorry. I meant to say how is everyone selling their firearms? Gun broker?
I have a Steven’s 311 d 1960’s side by side double trigger to sell or trade
Just picked up one of these at a pawnshop a few weeks ago. Shot a pretty good round of trap with it, and took for a pheasant hunt, so far. Fun gun!
FWIW, I paid $350 for it.
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Just picked up one of these at a pawnshop a few weeks ago. Shot a pretty good round of trap with it, and took for a pheasant hunt, so far. Fun gun!
FWIW, I paid $350 for it.
You did well pilgrim. Did you ever get up to Alsea and make that loop south and east back towards Eugene?
I have a couple shotguns I would like to sell and try to pick up a 50 cal Muzzy.

Armslist worked well for me. Was able to even sell outside of my state (Colorado) to a buyer in Montana. Shipped to an FFL of course, but easy day for me. No issues.
I watched a gun on Gun Broker a fella had listed for a little more than I wanted to spend. He had no takers. I was about to call him and saw the gun listed again at auction starting at .01. Once it reached the price I had been unwilling to pay I dropped out. Think he got 200 more than he had originally asked. Most of the guns I’ve tracked seem to do ok when started at .01. I think people like the bidding process and avoid guns started at even low blue book values. I’ve always gotten a fair price on my individual trades/sales.
You did well pilgrim. Did you ever get up to Alsea and make that loop south and east back towards Eugene?
Not yet, but I haven’t forgotten. It’s on my list of fun things to do when I get the time. I’d been finding decent quail coveys up the McKenzie in some recent burns, so that’s where I spent most of last season.
Not yet, but I haven’t forgotten. It’s on my list of fun things to do when I get the time. I’d been finding decent quail coveys up the McKenzie in some recent burns, so that’s where I spent most of last season.
I logged up the McKenzie when I was a young man. We use to see good blacktails up there too. Glad you’re enjoying the new adventures. To get this back on track… go buy some more guns.
Just placed my Brother in Laws estate with Lock Stock and Barrel out of Wyoming. Took two days, two of us packing guns/ ammo out of the basement, two reps from LSB recording to get it all loaded. They also took all the ancillary equipment from small tools to holsters to reloading equipment.
They do charge a fee but handle everything from picking the guns up in western Oregon and getting them to Wyoming, getting them listed on Gun Broker and taking care of the transfer.
I spent a month trying to find a legitimate company to handle the estate. They offered the best service by far and the most reasonable fees.
They are certainly worth a look, particularly if you need to transfer through an ffl.
We placed many of my late Father in Law's guns on LSB. Very fair deal, due to the number of guns they reduced commission. Everything above board, clean, and payment was quick. At the time they were based in CA, where my FiL lived, and WY, so I am not sure of how folks in other states can interface with them. I do get enjoyment from browsing the auctions, which are posted on Gunbroker, about 500-600 every two weeks.

They, Lock Stock and Barrel routinely publish a route they are traveling to pick up guns. Planned loops if you will through different parts of the country. In the Northwest they have a lady in Central Oregon, she handles all the acquisitions in this area. Not only is she extreamly knowledgeable she is a champion shooter. Understands what she is doing and appreciates, at least in our case, how important handling an estate is to the family.
GB has always worked well for me, both buying and selling.

I have used HT classified or just talking to people on PM. Also have had no problems but you have to have or establish some trust especially with a trade! Ask for and verify some references if you don’t know much about the person, shouldn't be too hard to do with all the connections people have made over years in the forums.

I have used local-to-me forums too but honestly, that has almost made it harder, having to meet up and all, and I get way more flaky responses. It’s easier to deal with buyers / sellers through the mail at times. Just less… “oh sorry, I meant to meet you but my wife needs me to mow the lawn before the rain comes in” type of cancellations.

Out of state transfers need to go to an FFL

In-state might as well, depending on where you are.

USPS is the only real viable option nowadays for shipping long guns unless you have a UPS account or your FFL ships for you.
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