Horse Archery

There is a local horse archery organization nearby. This is the only reason I would ever own a horse. I want to do it so badly.
There is a local horse archery organization nearby. This is the only reason I would ever own a horse. I want to do it so badly.
I am beginning this next year. At 73. Gonna lay out a horse archery course on my land,,,,and start very slowy,,,,

A year from now I would like to hunt deer this way.
There is a local horse archery organization nearby. This is the only reason I would ever own a horse. I want to do it so badly.
You do not have to own a horse to do this well. And one does not need to have a special singular purpose to own a horse. The things I enjoy are feeding them, shovelling out thier poop, watering them, grooming them, hosing them down on hot days. listenening to "whinnies out the window", and breathing with them.

Just going up to them and when they come to get to know me better, just having them breath into my face and smell what ever they smell in my breath,,,,all my hormones,,,all my biochemical me.

Most of our pets are little carnivores,,,,,horses have an entirely different soul if you will.

Will Rogers said the outside of a horse is good for the inside of a man.

I recall when my wife was diagnosed wiith cancer, the only sense of real peace I got was going out to my horses and putting my face and head right up to theirs.

Mounted archery is super cool. I got started on it as I had the horse who was super solid too. I'd have continued it if the trainer and club was closer to where I lived. Here's a video of my 2nd or 3rd lesson, which is not impressive like those experts, but still super fun. Once you get into the Polish Track, you're out of the guides that you see in my video and have a very dynamic experience. I never got that far but looks amazing.

Mounted archery is super cool. I got started on it as I had the horse who was super solid too. I'd have continued it if the trainer and club was closer to where I lived. Here's a video of my 2nd or 3rd lesson, which is not impressive like those experts, but still super fun. Once you get into the Polish Track, you're out of the guides that you see in my video and have a very dynamic experience. I never got that far but looks amazing.

Very Very very cool. You have a "Good Seat"
That other guy holding the block target or wearing it on his back has big gonads or a small brain and an intense amount of trust. The idea of shooting off a horse is pretty neat and challenging. I have a hard enough time hitting the target just standing still. Think of the excuses I could come up with. "The horse stepped in a hole just as I released"
Watch the young woman in the black robe,,,expert,,,she appears three times and espcially in the last two cuts she gets that last arrow out at the very last second


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