Hornady dies suck


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2002
hornady dies suck. Had trouble getting bullet run out under control because of neck runout on my 300WSM. Contacted Hornady and they sent me a new sizing die. Second die much better at runout but still sized really hard. Stuck a case, got pissed and threw it in the garbage and went to cabelas and got a RBCS set, and man what a difference. Half the effort on the press lever.
For my .270 i love my Lee collet neck sizer. I have read that most guys stay away from neck sizing the WSM's because of the large shoulder. I wonder if the lee collet die would work.
What do you guys use?
I have a buddy that works at hornady and I took my 270WSM die and fired cases in to him and he made me some new dies. I would have to agree with you that RCBS are alot better, I have had more trouble with the hornadys than any other I have had. But with Hornady so close it is hard for me to pass up, and alot of free stuff. HAPPY HUNTING
I was just watching this on TV while reading your post, then thought back to many of your posts.

You're welcome.:D


I've had pretty good luck with RCBS, but do like my Redding dies better. I've stuck two decapping/sizing rods (my fault) and they've replaced them free...

What are you using to check runout?
I was just watching this on TV while reading your post, then thought back to many of your posts.

You're welcome.:D



Shut up bitch, This isn't a complaint but an observation. learn from my adventures;) Go out and get yourself a bunch of Hornady dies for your 7WSM:D they are great.
BTW, are you checking bullet runout on your reloads? That big shoulder angle makes it a little more of a concern when reloading.
Yea i would know buttmunch:D and it isn't lack of lube. Besides the dies being shitty on sizing, they also are made too long in the bore. I had to surface grind .005 off the top of my shell holder just to get the die to bump the shoulder of the case. Without that, they would make the bolt close too hard from lack of headspace. Both my 300WSM had tight chambers so this was an issue with the die. Read about it on other forums that some dies had this problem and the shellholders needed to be ground down a hair.
This is probably what added to my stuck case ordeal, the top of the shell holder broke off on the down stroke since it was thinned down. Bottom line, the RBCS dies don't need modified shell holders, size easier, straight. I stand by my first post, Hornady dies suck:D
Love my RCBS, Redding, and Bonanza dies, have 4 Horady neck-size dies, no problems (but if you stick-a-case in a neck-size die, you need serious help)!
I've heard of guys having to shorten their shell holders, but if you have a surface grinder, wouldn't it be better to take .005" off the bottom of the die, insted of thinning the shell holder? (not sure)
Love my RCBS, Redding, and Bonanza dies, have 4 Horady neck-size dies, no problems (but if you stick-a-case in a neck-size die, you need serious help)!
I've heard of guys having to shorten their shell holders, but if you have a surface grinder, wouldn't it be better to take .005" off the bottom of the die, insted of thinning the shell holder? (not sure)

it would, but once it is off, it is off and a new shell holder is a lot cheaper. It is faster to take a couple thou off and try it, and then do it again and again until the shoulder bets bumped. All in all, the die was a turd in every aspect compared to the RCBS i replaced it with.
Personally, I would take any excess off the die but if it's only 0.005" it shouldn't matter much. Hornady dies can be a bit of a pain but the ones that I've used have been dimensionally correct and I've replaced the decapping stems with the new style threaded ones my complaints have disappeared. Mostly,, I do think that once in a while the I.D.s aren't ground as smooth as they could be.

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