Well-known member
Alright boy's and girls let's get this season started. As some of you may remember I shared my sons first deer kill on here last year. Figured I'd take y'all along on our journey to bag his first longbeard or a Jake would be just fine. Got him a new single shot 410 with some TSS rounds and we've been practicing the last few weekends. He's doing well but gets cocky real quick which leads to simple mistakes like not putting his dang cheek on the stock. He shot 7 rounds today at 10,20, and 30 yards and even talked me into shooting my 12 gauge a couple times. I've decided to limit him to 30 yards and go with a tripod to help him stay steady. He's just not big enough or experienced yet for the old elbow on the knee trick and the tripod has helped a ton. We have a week of hunting coming up in just under a month. First of to some private land in Texas for a few days of hunting then we will stop by some public in western Oklahoma for the youth weekend. Oh did I mention the TX property is crawling with hogs that will focus on in the evenings.
30-20-10 yards

My 12 gauge 50-20 yards

30-20-10 yards

My 12 gauge 50-20 yards