Holy $#!#, I'm Tired.

baby is sleeping incredibly. really incredibly.

he was born mid/late september and honestly we haven't had to get up for him at all after putting him to bed since like mid/late november.

we've been on a consistent 7:30/7:45 bedtime and he sleeps till 7 am without a single issue for a long time now, it's amazing.

i've had some good runs of sleep since then, but, especially in the last month, i'm starting to fall back into being my good old self: a crappy awful miserable sleeper that has too many issues sleeping soundly and staying asleep to function half the time.

i feel like i've gathered you're kinda the same in that regards yeah?
Jeezus, no my kids didn't sleep through the night until like 1, and even then it was touch and go for the next four years...

Sleeping is like my super power, I checkout easily and deeply... the kids just kicked that idea in the balls for what felt like a long enough time that I stopped functioning as an adult. Lack of sleep is my kryptonite, without 6 hours in completely worthless.

Be careful, they say #2 always counter acts #1... except ours were both terrible sleepers.
Looks like place is sold,subject to their bank $$$$$$ then we have to get the new travel trailer and pay for the RAM HEMI,private sale from friend of family........I have not slept well in 2 weeks.......finally fell asleep on couch for 6 hours solid today, but damn, its 3.08 a.m. and I am wide awake.......must not wake up the dogs or wife........Ah geezzzzz!!
p.s. daughter slept soundly as a baby BUT be sure there are tons of diapers on hand 'cause when there are only 1 0r 2 left, you will be headed to the all night CIRCLE K looking for some ,usually around 3-4 a.m.
Jeezus, no my kids didn't sleep through the night until like 1, and even then it was touch and go for the next four years...

Sleeping is like my super power, I checkout easily and deeply... the kids just kicked that idea in the balls for what felt like a long enough time that I stopped functioning as an adult. Lack of sleep is my kryptonite, without 6 hours in completely worthless.

Be careful, they say #2 always counter acts #1... except ours were both terrible sleepers.
This was very true for us in a lot of ways, but not sleep schedules. My oldest daughter was a difficult baby but the sweetest toddler in the world. My son was the easiest baby in the world and a difficult toddler. But all my kids were sleeping through the night before 9 weeks old. Such a blessing lol.

And to brag, they were all also completely potty trained, with no overnight diapers, by 2 years old. 😁😁😂

My wife was awesome with all that.
Proud member of the kids not sleeping through the night club! 🤚🤚🤚
Our 2 month old is doing better each night and currently in a bassinet in our room due to limited space Our 2-1/2 year old always thinks he's missing out on the party in our room so he comes in a couple times a night to join in. I usually get a solid 6 hours of sleep a night in 2 or 3 hour chunks. Used to be a deal breaker for me, but I guess I've evolved.
Proud member of the kids not sleeping through the night club! 🤚🤚🤚
Our 2 month old is doing better each night and currently in a bassinet in our room due to limited space Our 2-1/2 year old always thinks he's missing out on the party in our room so he comes in a couple times a night to join in. I usually get a solid 6 hours of sleep a night in 2 or 3 hour chunks. Used to be a deal breaker for me, but I guess I've evolved.
Same our 2 month old will do like 3-4 hours a most. Went turkey hunting with like 4 hours of sleep and honestly felt better than I use to feel after 7 and just getting up early… suffering tolerance has evolved.
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My 8 month old has been sleeping like a champ since about 10 weeks old... until now, lol. I think she's of the age where separation anxiety starts to show up and every time she tosses and turns it's crying for mommy. It's only been going on for a week and boy, I hope she grows out of it soon. I was spoiled in the beginning and now I'm paying for it!
Same our 2 month old will do like 3-4 hours a most. Went turkey hunting with like 4 hours of sleep and honestly felt better than I use to feel after 7 and just getting up early… suffering tolerance has evolved.

i went turkey hunting yesterday on like 3 hours of sleep. not because of the baby though, just because i couldn't sleep well sunday night.

i wouldn't say i felt better, but damn getting up early is easy when you really weren't asleep to begin with lol

good 10 mile day in the mountains, nary a gobble, not but one track. i slept like a rock from head hitting pillow to alarm going off, which means i'll sleep like &%^* tonight.

Be careful, they say #2 always counter acts #1... except ours were both terrible sleepers.

i'm prepared for number 2 to kick me in the balls hard. however, i will say, all of our friends that have moved to number 2 already are finding that their number 2 is just like number 1, in whatever way number 1 was. that's what i'm hoping for... gosh that's what i'm hoping for.

we've got some time before this thread has a volume 2 at least ;)
Jeezus, no my kids didn't sleep through the night until like 1, and even then it was touch and go for the next four years...

Sleeping is like my super power, I checkout easily and deeply... the kids just kicked that idea in the balls for what felt like a long enough time that I stopped functioning as an adult. Lack of sleep is my kryptonite, without 6 hours in completely worthless.

Be careful, they say #2 always counter acts #1... except ours were both terrible sleepers.
same... and today is that day, as my 8 year old had a nightmare last night and slept on top of me most of the night ha
same... and today is that day, as my 8 year old had a nightmare last night and slept on top of me most of the night ha
Hot tip, go sleep with them. 5 minutes and your back in your bed without someone on to of you.

@ajrcktts we are in the opposite boat, our kids can't/ couldn't make it through the night dry consistently until after 10 yrs old. But we gave up on diapers around 1st grade and just wash sheets
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My son just turned five and my daughter will be seven next month and it’s STILL a coin toss every night whether one, the other, or both of them will be transformed into The Night Goblin, Crusher of Sleep. Last night was my son’s turn—up for an hour because he thought he had to poop but really just had to fart. WTF?!
Hot tip, go sleep with them. 5 minutes and your back in your bed without someone on to of you.

@ajrcktts we are in the opposite boat, our kids can't/ couldn't make it through the night dry consistently until after 10 yrs old. But we have up on diapers around 1st grade and just wash sheets
Totally! I did that the first time and got her back to sleep and she came in an hour later. The second time I just didn't care and told her to crawl between her mom and I. She interpreted that as using me as a nighttime jungle gym
When you’re at work on two hours sleep. Irritable, edgy, slap happy and useless. Not 23 after party work anymore, but 35 with kids work!
One of my daughters has a four-month-old girl right now. Her fourth. A couple of months ago, after a several nights of not sleeping, she said in exasperation, "I don't know what the hell we were thinking when we decided to have another baby." I told her not to be too hard on herself, it wasn't her fault. It was the diabolical system set up by Mother Nature to keep us propagating the earth.

You see, it is now a known scientific fact, that short term memory is converted to long term memory while you sleep. Since you don't sleep, all of this torture and misery you are suffering through will only remain in your memory as vague blurry feeling of being kind of uncomfortable for a little bit. But the memory of that first night the baby does sleep all night, thus you also sleep, will be vividly locked in as one of the greatest experiences of your entire existence. So, a year or two down the road, having another kid just seems like a good idea.

Mother Nature's a crafty old bitch.
You see, it is now a known scientific fact, that short term memory is converted to long term memory while you sleep. Since you don't sleep, all of this torture and misery you are suffering through will only remain in your memory as vague blurry feeling of being kind of uncomfortable for a little bit. But the memory of that first night the baby does sleep all night, thus you also sleep, will be vividly locked in as one of the greatest experiences of your entire existence. So, a year or two down the road, having another kid just seems like a good idea.

this is why i created another thread before this. i purposefully did that in part to create a time stamped public journal entry of misery to make sure myself and no one else forgets that the first month of a baby, especially the first baby, is going to be among the most miserable 4 weeks of your existence.

it doesn't seem so bad now. and i agree, it's because you don't sleep. memories don't get made. the and girls hormones actually aid in the forgetfullness.

but i didn't want to forget, i wanted my childless friends to know this sucks. i pissed and moaned about it to so many people so often i can't actually forget about it. it's a good method to make sure you don't forget.

so, here is another reminder for the childless out there that are planning to have children:


i'm not gonna lie though, with a 7 month old that is the happiest, funniest, cutest, smilyest, giggliest, easiest little thing in the world, i actually kind of want another.
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this is why i created another thread before this. i purposefully did that in part to create a time stamped public journal entry of misery to make sure myself and no one else forgets that the first month of a baby, especially the first baby, is going to be among the most miserable 4 weeks of your existence.

it doesn't seem so bad now. and i agree, it's because you don't sleep. memories don't get made. the and girls hormones actually aid in the forgetfullness.

but i didn't want to foret, i wanted my childless friends to know this sucks. i pissed and moaned about it to so many people so often i can't actually forget about it. it's a good method to make sure you don't forget.

so, here is another reminder for the childless out there that want children:

View attachment 273399

i'm not gonna lie though, with a 7 month old that is the happiest, funniest, cutest, smilyest, easiest little thing in the world, i actually kind of want another.
this is why i created another thread before this. i purposefully did that in part to create a time stamped public journal entry of misery to make sure myself and no one else forgets that the first month of a baby, especially the first baby, is going to be among the most miserable 4 weeks of your existence.

it doesn't seem so bad now. and i agree, it's because you don't sleep. memories don't get made. the and girls hormones actually aid in the forgetfullness.

but i didn't want to forget, i wanted my childless friends to know this sucks. i pissed and moaned about it to so many people so often i can't actually forget about it. it's a good method to make sure you don't forget.

so, here is another reminder for the childless out there that want children:

View attachment 273399

i'm not gonna lie though, with a 7 month old that is the happiest, funniest, cutest, smilyest, giggliest, easiest little thing in the world, i actually kind of want another.

At week five we got to three hour stretches and my wife was like "why don't you go sleep in the guest room for a night since I have to get up anyway to pump"....

That morning

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