
Don Fischer

Well-known member
Jun 27, 2017
I like to watch the hog videos on the internet. Watching some where they are trapping them I't quite obvious that a lot of them at a time get killed. Wonder what they do with all of them? had a guy tell me they just throw them in a pit. Got to thinking, why don't they use that meat for the poor and people on welfare. Great eating and could be a pretty good sourse of income for the guys doing te trapping! Seem's like a huge waste to me.
In Texas this used to be a pretty decent way for some folks to make some side money. To be able to sell the resulting meat the pigs needed to be brought to the meat packers alive. Some people were making close to $50,000 a year just trapping hogs. Worked good for landowners too. They would just give permission to the trappers and they would trap a bunch of hogs and everyone was happy.

Evidently some people were taking some of the trapped hogs to different places and releasing them. Not sure how widespread it was but it was happening.

End result is Texas passed a law that any live pig being transported needed to have a brucellosis test performed before they can be transported. The cost of the test is about as much as the smaller pigs are worth. It pretty much completely shut down the live pig market overnight.

Now there are more pigs than ever. Not sure that the law really accomplished anything except not allowing folks to actually make money from trapping wild pigs.
In Texas this used to be a pretty decent way for some folks to make some side money. To be able to sell the resulting meat the pigs needed to be brought to the meat packers alive. Some people were making close to $50,000 a year just trapping hogs. Worked good for landowners too. They would just give permission to the trappers and they would trap a bunch of hogs and everyone was happy.

Evidently some people were taking some of the trapped hogs to different places and releasing them. Not sure how widespread it was but it was happening.

End result is Texas passed a law that any live pig being transported needed to have a brucellosis test performed before they can be transported. The cost of the test is about as much as the smaller pigs are worth. It pretty much completely shut down the live pig market overnight.

Now there are more pigs than ever. Not sure that the law really accomplished anything except not allowing folks to actually make money from trapping wild pigs.
But the government fixes everything! How could that be?
Evidently things have changed since I last looked into this. You can transport feral pigs to the slaughter house if you go directly to it from where they are trapped. You can't haul them back somewhere and fatten them up for a while and then take them to the slaughter house.

Looks like part of the problem is that the price has dropped. I remember people getting over $1 a pound back 10 years ago and now it looks like the going rate is around 30 cents unless they are over 100lbs and then it is 60 cents.

That's something but if you trap a dozen pigs and they are 50 to 70 pounds average with a couple over 100lbs that is only going to get you around $300. Add in fuel and your time and it isn't going to make enough money to make it worthwhile..
At one time feral and domestic pork were considered the same in Texas, meaning if your trapped hogs were USDA inspected and processed they could be sold as pork commercially.
Not sure if that is still the case?
I've sold them to a canned bowhunting ranch north of me. They release them in a like 300 acre enclosure and tender feet "hunt" them. Descent price especially for boars and gets them off my property.
I’ve killed wild hogs that had been eating on dead cows , piles of dead chickens from poultry farms and other road kill for days at a time . They are 4 legged buzzards , and there is no way I’d eat one after some of the stuff I’ve seen .
I’ve killed wild hogs that had been eating on dead cows , piles of dead chickens from poultry farms and other road kill for days at a time . They are 4 legged buzzards , and there is no way I’d eat one after some of the stuff I’ve seen .
I feel the same way about bear meat. Bears will eat anything. 🤢
I’ve killed wild hogs that had been eating on dead cows , piles of dead chickens from poultry farms and other road kill for days at a time . They are 4 legged buzzards , and there is no way I’d eat one after some of the stuff I’ve seen .
I’m basically a buzzard….I’ve seen em crawl out of a rotting cow’s ass…..n still taste good to me!!!
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