Yeti GOBOX Collection



New member
Jul 8, 2002
A Huntalk coyote hunt...hmmmmmmmmm

Northern Arizona you say?...hmmmmmmmm

Bruce kennedy hauling up a smoker?...hmmmmm

I teach Danny how to drink beer?...hmmmmmm

Delw brings fish filets and a 300 win mag...hmmmmmmm

Lots of coyotes to be shot ??.....hmmmmmm

Doug rides down with me cuz I'm scared of the dark?...hmmmmmm

Bunch of huntalk assholes congregated in a small place??....priceless

Dic...fuel costs will suck but what the hell!
Yeah that sounds like fun, maybe I can borrow the 50 since I dont have one anymore
If I could get my hands on a 50 then I could win the devestating varminter contest for sure
I will be around the Pine area-Mogollon Rim, south of Winslow for the last week of this month... do I need an AZ hunting license for varmints? What's the cost for a non-resident?
Tie a feather on the end of a shotgun and do some calling that works also.
tes to hunt varmits you msut have a hunting licence(which sucks)
you can get a 3 day one for around 90 bucks I think, it might be 50..
What are you going to be doing up this way?
I am only 1.5 hours from pine
Are you talking pine or pinetop lake side?

pine is by payson or I-17 and pintop lakeside is way on the east side of the state..

Bison Ranch burned to the ground last summer. All that is left is the tourist trap city in front of it. Watch out for the bison burgers, they taste like kangaroo. The newer development is called Bison Ridge and it is right on the outskirts of Show Low about 40-50 miles east of Bison Ranch. Good Luck

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 08-08-2003 11:29: Message edited by: cfree ]</font>
Never been there - I guess it must be the tourist trap! I'll stay away from the bison burgers - I've had good ones before.

Del - it's south of Winslow. I don't think it is far from Payson, west of the Petrifed Forest.
Oh yeah I been to that place.. well across the street a buddy was buying a house there on the airport


No I ain't never swilled suds with danny...but

I am sure of two things.

I can't kill as many coyotes as danny.

He can't drink as much beer as me!

Actually Bruce, I think what the coyote community needs is a cleansing

Water under the bridge.

Hey bring your BBQ and John Henry

Danny bring leonard


Once everyone figures out that these minor differences are BS, we'll have a good time.

My 2 cents
Mule........a big get together would be a lot of fun, and a lot of work to pull it off. We had the Shade Tree BBQ at my home in Tucson in 1998. We had about 76 people and they came from all over, and it was put together in about 4 weeks time.

Gerald Stewart and his son came, and they brought about $1,000.00 worth of door prizes and such. There were items that were sent in by other vendors. There were two or three call collections on display.

Yes, it was a lot of fun to see and meet all of these people. I was looking for some photos of the event, but I could not find them on my computer. I will look some more when I get time.

As far as me bringing John-Henry, that is out of the question, as I am no longer associated with him, nor will I ever promote his "self importance."

Take care.
Senor Bruce....
Is that cat hunters video available for sale at this time? Im very interested in obtaining a dvd,its gotta be a must have in my collection.
Bala, I am still working with the DVD version. The VHS tape version is being duplicated as I type. It should be back no later than the 20th if not sooner. It is a two tape bundle.

Take care.
Hey Mule, here you go. These are photos from the Shade Tree BBQ.


This was a group photo.


I remember we had a heck of a time getting these banners.


Getting some BBQ.


L-R, Jay Nistetter, Gerald Stewart, Bruce Kennedy


Getting ready to make some "Pulled Pork BBQ".


This was all of the door prizes.

Mule, it can be done, but it takes a lot of work by about 10 different people. One or two people can't hardly put something like this together.

Take care.
who is the handsome devil in the group photo, first row, extreme right?
Leonard.........why of course, that is none other than the great "LenBo" - you my friend. I had not seen those photos in 3 years, and what memories. That was a neat day, but we had lots of help too.

It would be nice to do another one, but in cooler weather. I can cook for at least 700 + people, with a much better cooker than what was used for that BBQ.

Anybody out there who knows how to cook "slow pit BBQ" who would be willing to help?????
I need 2-3 good "grunts".

Take care.

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