Caribou Gear Tarp

Higher R value pad


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2015
Okay so I just got back from deer hunting with my daughter. It was coldish at night, in the teens. Because it was car-based camping, we had the big cabelas tent and a small propane heater for the morning/evenings, but didn't sleep with it on. I also packed cots to sleep on because they're just so much more comfortable to sit on while eating meals etc. What I found is similar to what I've found in the past, my bag is plenty warm but I freeze from the bottom up. I had an R 4.3 pad, she had two lesser older thermorests. I have two thoughts to run by the HT braintrust, 1) I need more "Rs" maybe a thin closed cell that just for warmth and not comfort; 2) that there is just too much exposed pad on the sides with these thick pads for me to overcome with my own body heat from above. If the latter is the case then I think I'm hose either way. If it's the former does anyone recommend a closed cell that has a high R value?
I have the thermarest nxt for backpacking, but for truck camping on a cot I use a 2" foam mattress. Just cut up one used for a mattress topper at home.
R 4.3 seems low, I second the Xtherm, I've rolled with it to -30 and haven't had issues with the pad. when I'm using a cot I use a Z rest under whatever other pad I am using, it also doubles as an insulating mat for my chair or a glassing seat...
I have the thermarest nxt for backpacking, but for truck camping on a cot I use a 2" foam mattress. Just cut up one used for a mattress topper at home.
Yeah she had that and still froze in the morning.
R 4.3 seems low, I second the Xtherm, I've rolled with it to -30 and haven't had issues with the pad. when I'm using a cot I use a Z rest under whatever other pad I am using, it also doubles as an insulating mat for my chair or a glassing seat...
I cut up our one 3/4 zlite for two pads while glassing/napping, but if I picked up two more I'd be at 6.3 for me and probably something similar for her. The Xtherm has always interested me, everything except the price. Which was why I initially went with the BA, but def regret that choice now.
I’ll hop on the bandwagon of what everyone else has said and will say. Xtherm. Add in that zpad if you’re not carrying it far. They’re spendy, but worth it. I’ve got three or so years of hard, regular use with mine and it’s trucking right along.

I use my pad even in the summer and can get away with a lighter (cheaper) quilt having the ground insulation of the Xtherm.
If the closed cell didnt cut it, then the xtherm is it. Sleeping off the ground on a cot is colder too due to the air all around you. Add the foam pad for comfort on the air pad.

My friend runs a small generator next to his truck and an electric heater inside his truck topper. Same concept inside a tent if you have the equipment to do so. Just another thought. Hes a firefighter and wont use a propane heater in an enclosed space awake or asleep. He used some testing equipment from work and the fumes were at a dangerous level.
I use a semi quilt (enclosed foot box) these days since I get so wrapped up in a regular bag from my constant rolling over. I sleep so much better with it, but was getting a bit cold from below with my old thermarest if it got down into single digit temps. I got the xtherm a few years ago and it hasn’t been a problem since. I cant sleep on cots, so not sure if it will still be as warm with cold air flowing under it.
If you’re cheap and don’t mind the noise, I use reflectix on occasion to supplement my pad.
I've thought about buying some R-tech to put my pad on top for for car camping... just toss it in the bottom of the bed of your truck for transport. or cut it into pieces and put it in the trunk.

R7.7 for $28

I've thought about buying some R-tech to put my pad on top for for car camping... just toss it in the bottom of the bed of your truck for transport. or cut it into pieces and put it in the trunk.

R7.7 for $28

Interesting suggestion, might have to try that.'re dead to me by the way*
*not really
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