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Higher fees for hunting and fishing in Idaho


New member
Jan 28, 2005
Boise, Idaho
The Idaho legislation seeks to increase fees about 14 percent across the board. For resident hunting and fishing licenses, that equates to $1.75 and $3.75 more,respectively, or $4.25 for a combination license.
A hunting licences curently cost $11.50, a fishing license is $23.50 and a combination license runs $30.50 for residents.
of all increases, an additional 25 cents per license willbe distributed to commercial vendors. Deer tags will rise $2.50 to $20.50; Elk tags go up $4 to $32.50, and moose/sheep/goat tags will increase $20.75 to $272.25 for the resident.
It is the out-of-state, or non-resident hunters and anglers,who will feel the hit hardest. A fishing license will rise $10.25 to $84.75; and hunting fees will increase $17.75 to $146.25. The highest increase on the books will be for a non-resident moose/ sheep/ goat tags, which will jump $205.75 to $1,707.25.
The legislation is set to meet on this thursday Feb.17th, 2005.

I'm just curious to know if any one else has heard about this or not and if so what do you think about it.....
The cost of doing business increases all the time...someone has to pay for it.

I look at license costs as a donation to preserving the wildlife and habitat...both of which are critical to hunting, fishing, etc.

You wont often hear me gripe about license fees.
So, I take it from your comments you'll be hunting in Idaho this year BUZZ?

I already bought my license this year, so I'll hold my financial opinion on te issue until next year.
Ten beers,

Depending on how the draw gods smile...maybe...maybe not.

But your welcome in advance for supporting your G&F.
the fees are not set yet legislation still has to meet on it but Idaho fish and game are pushing pretty hard for but as always there are those that say it is to much of an increase, even for the resident fees, as a resident I have no problem with the raise in fees but i do think that they are asking to much for non-resident fees. The way I understand it is that last year they F&G did not even sell all there non-resident tags for big game and were selling them to resident lisence holder as a second tag. Well I guess it makes no sence to me to raise the price of some thing that you are already having trouble selling.... just a thought
Fees are in, regardless of Legislation.the tag fees for Moose,goat and Sheep went from $1500 - $1,700 not $200 something up. Either way I agree that the price should go up.

What I would like to see is were all the money is Going. I'm talking with F&G commisioner John Watts and some other (Insiders) to get the Scoop on the Needs of the money. With the lack of fee raises in the last several Years.

Just my thinking though......
Sounds good to me. Like Buzz said " The cost of doing business increases all the time...someone has to pay for it". AZ did the same thing and a lot of people started crying about it..........
AZ402 said:
Sounds good to me. Like Buzz said " The cost of doing business increases all the time...someone has to pay for it". AZ did the same thing and a lot of people started crying about it..........

Man ain`t that the truth..LMAO :D
I aint complaining about the increase, I just feel like I get priced out at times. Some years I have to save a little more for the next years hunting, and some times I just wait until I find the animals before I commit to buying a tag.
Anybody heard anything new on this?

I just got a call from a friend asking me to call 800-626-0471 , and tell (leave a message for) my representative that I support the increase. He was saying that a lot of the money would be slated for mule deer stuff (habitat, research, and such) in southern idaho. I trust his judgement on the issue, and I'm gonna call in my support.
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