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Hi, I'm John Edwards....


New member
Oct 4, 2004
Hello. I just had my testicles ripped off by the Vice President. Can you help me find them?
Which one is Edwards??

Actually, I thought that John Edwards did very well in the debate! They were both very talented at evading the direct questions, but to be honest if I was asked who won the debate, I would have to say that it was very close, but I would say that Vice President Cheney had more substance in his answers!

It was close, but in my humble opinion, VP Cheney won this round.
John, I believe you are right. Even the facilitator was correcting Edwards on a couple of issues.. Like pressing the "international agreement" issue. When Edwards started double talking, she came back and quoted exactly what Kerry said about it. I believe that Sen. Edwards got his pee pee whacked this least on that point he did.

It was kind of childish when they began agruing about who had the worst record in congress, but Edwards is certainly no one to be waving fingers about taking care of business..


What about when the moderator asked Cheney about the AIDS crisis in Black Women, and Cheney said he wasn't aware of any problem, and proceeded to talk about Russia???

Cheney looked good, except when Edwards called him on the fact that 90% of the deaths by coaliton troops are American, and the US is carrying 90% of the cost of the "coalition of the willing". And the time Edwards embarassed him about Cheney not funding the No Child Left Behind Act... Or the fact that 5 million more people don't have health insurance, or the fact that Dubya is so good at outsourcing jobs, that when the US had Bin Laden cornered in Tora Bora, he outsourced the job to War Lords/ Drug Lords in and they let Bin Laden away.

Other than that, ahh... Cheney looked ahhhh...good.... (Not to mention the whole Halliburton thing.....)
For what its worth I thought Cheney smoked him!
Edwards appeared to be on the defense about 70% of the time and for the most part only (yes I know thats pretty much apropos for this kind of debate)would talk about where Kerry stands on issues not where HE himself stood....quite different the pre-Kerry nomination days!

...could it be that once he got the nod for the VP position he just folded them balls up and tucked them neatly away for the Fall....
Gunner, why do I get the impression that aahhh... you had your mind aaaahhh... made up who was going to win the debate aaaahhh... before you even watched it.

And who is it supposed to surprise that we carry 90% of the fatalities and 90% of the cost. That's not exactly ground breaking news.
That goes without saying Smalls.

I love how the Johns keep bringing up the rising cost of health care. I guess that they conveniently forget that Edwards is part of the problem causing those rates to steadily increase.
We have 50% of the casualties in Iraq when you count Iraq forces. They are fighting and dying so why do the dems not count them? The Halliburtin thing has no merit. It is just a talking point. And the government shouldn't be paying for ANY health care. If you can't afford it exercise, eat right or die. It's not the governments problem.
Edwards reminded me of a slick car salesman that is going to get fired if he doesn't make the next sale.
Cheney looked like a professional that knew what he was doing. It was nothing but another day at the office.
And if we wated for the UN troops and our fellow countries to act and help us out, well we would still be waiting.Elkgunner, if some asshole came up to you and punched you in the mouth in front of youre wife and kids, would you wait and consult your neighbors first and the maybe call the police? What if he decided not to wait for you to react and for help to respond. Then he moved on to hurting you're family and then on to your neighbors. Whos fault would that be? I also believe that the US has sent millions if not billions to help fight AIDS in third world countries, as well as right here at home. Edwards sidestepped many qustions with his trial lawyer style, yet I guess thats OK since he is running against Cheney. I'm not trying to pick a fight but come on if we wait for the UN to react we're in for serious TROUBLE.

Saddam never attacked the US. You are confusing Al-Qaida with Iraq. Although they both have "Q"'s in their name, and Dubya mixed them up, they are actually two different entities, with no credible connection, according to the US Government's 9/11 commission.

And don't bring up the WMD's, as the US' inspector released a report saying Iraq didn't have them since '91.
Originally posted by ElkGunner:

What about when the moderator asked Cheney about the AIDS crisis in Black Women, and Cheney said he wasn't aware of any problem, and proceeded to talk about Russia???
Actually Cheney said that he was not aware that Aids was as prevalent among black women as the moderator claimed it was. The CDC would also be surprised by her claim.
Oh I got it now, there are no Al-queda operatives in Iraq, My mistake. The CIA is lying through their teeth, which could be more prevalent than we think,but why did things get real busy with Iraq's top people during the time it took for the UN to finally start their investigation. Why did Iraq's top scientists start swaeting so badly, and lie so terribly when questioned. Ok and When we were searching for Bin Laden in all the caves didnt they pursue him to the Iraqi border before we "lost him". Theres more to it than we hear about for sure. But why let the UN decide what is best for our country when None of them care for us much anyway. If we don't do something more over there it will surely come back here with more devastation than before
Originally posted by KeithE:
Oh I got it now, there are no Al-queda operatives in Iraq, My mistake.

The CIA is lying through their teeth, which could be more prevalent than we think,

Ok and When we were searching for Bin Laden in all the caves didnt they pursue him to the Iraqi border before we "lost him".

If we don't do something more over there it will surely come back here with more devastation than before
Now there are plenty or Al-Quaida in Iraq, ever since Dubya toppled the government and had no plan for an occupation. I think it is widely agreed that we have now created a terror state. :mad:

And isn't it the "lies" by the CIA that are the reason George Tenet stepped down??? :rolleyes:

Uhhmmmm... You might want to buy a new Globe, as it is a bit difficult to chase somebody from the "caves to the Iraqi border", as there is no border between Iraq and Afghanastan. Have you ever heard of a country called Iran??? :rolleyes:

Maybe it was just another spelling error??? :rolleyes: :D
when the US had Bin Laden cornered in Tora Bora, he outsourced the job to War Lords/ Drug Lords in and they let Bin Laden away.
First off was Bin Laden there? No one exactly knew for sure. The fact that we used War Lords was to keep it from looking like it was the U.S. against the Muslims.

Now there are plenty or Al-Quaida in Iraq, ever since Dubya toppled the government and had no plan for an occupation. I think it is widely agreed that we have now created a terror state.
I would much rather we drew them into Iraq then have them drawn into the U.S. and fight them here.

And isn't it the "lies" by the CIA that are the reason George Tenet stepped down???
I think that he resigned because he got the intel wrong. It was his bad intel that led to the War and now Bush is paying the price for going in on bad intel!!!! If you are President you just can't wait until another 911 happens to attack again or then they would say that you didn't act on the intel. Bush said all along that he would have pre-emptive strikes on any country that harbors terrorists and Iraq was guilty of that. To name one was Abu Nadel and he was in charge of training. He master minded the 1972 Olympic Game hit.
