Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Hey Mr. Mod Doug

I haven't seen him, but if you want, I can go look for him up by Wilcox in the morning.

Should I look up on the North side around the Orchards, or around the Playa on the south side?
Maybe you ought to check the west side. What's over there?

I went about 30 miles North and West of Wilcox. I looked everywhere. No sign of Doug. The West side is kind of hard to get access into. But I can try there maybe next weekend.

I did find a small herd of Antelope that I didn't know was in the area. Two does, two fawns and one nice Buck. That's not a promising sign for hunting coyotes, but I like to see them anyway.

The only other thing I found was this one old coyote.

I'll look again somewhere closer to home in the morning.

Nice picture Tim! You should've went for a drive on the high lonesome road. If I was in Arizona, that'd be where you'd find me.

The sun was pretty bright and the photo was pretty washed out. So I "Enhanced" the color a little bit. It was either that or go back outside and make a fifth attempt at a picture. I opted to sit here and play with the computer while sipping on a beer

It created a shadow over 2/3 of my face, but it made the coyote stand out a lot better. The original picture made the coyote almost hard to see against the ground. I don't know where all of that green grass behind me came from either. It looks mostly brown to my eyes.

How about I go shoot another one and see if I can't get a better picture? I just got my jeep back this morning, so maybe tomorrow I can go see if there is something up on High Lonesome?
Hey Tim, where are all the "Airdorks"? Did you air brush them out of the photo or what? Are you going to tell me you called that coyote in without a whole flock of "Airdorks" to herd him toward you?????? I must admit, you are getting good at calling those coyotes.

Take care.
Whats going on? Danny, where have you been? FDR was the one who got the "Air Dork" fad going in this country when he said, "A chicken in every pot, a car in every garage, and 10 "Air Dorks" in every room of the house." Danny you just gotta get 10 or 20 of these things and really go coyote hunting.

Remember when we started with hand calls and we did pretty good? Then came the e-callers and things changed for the good. Then BM introduced the 25 lb home stereo system on wheels, and told us we would call in 10 times as many coyotes when using his system. Now the latest fad is taking a whole flock of "Air Dorks" out to the stand and watch them run all over the country, looking for coyotes. When they find one, they just naturally herd it back to you. If I'm a lyin, I'm a flyin!
Your success rate goes up to about a 40% increase, depending on your definition of "success", because the term "success" can be presented and or interpreted in many ways. Man, it doesn't get any better than that.

But wait, the "pluses" are never ending. They even come with their own "Pyramid Scheme." Yes sir, you give your friend a pup (because you can't sell them), and he will return the favor by giving you 10 pups back. Now how neat is that? Here is another plus, they never come with registration papers. You bet, just look at the savings when you have a flock of them.

Here is a photo of the top "Air Dork" stud in Arizona. This is a great photo of him, because he just had a bath and haircut, which is a rarety.


CH, NCH, GrNCH "His Majesty's Royal Highness, Dork Dork"
They call him "Dork" for short.

Well, there you have it Danny. I am glad you asked and I can help you out.

Remember, "Selling Air Dorks is like selling insurance. Once you have sold one to all your friends, the market dries up!"
Damit Bruce, I can't quit laughing, you make it hard to type.

Believe it or not. I didn't have a single dog with me when I called that coyote in. But maybe that's part of my problem. Here I was thinking that somehow my yen got out of yang and it was causing me some kind of twisted peter syndrome.

Either that or sitting here on my butt for the last seven months has gotten me out of practice.

I did make it out for three short stands this morning. I even called up a cow dog on the first stand. My second stand almost went better. About five minutes into it, I saw a coyote come loping in from the right. As he passed though a low spot, I turned and brought up the rifle. I waited and waited, but he never appeared. Lowering the rifle, I finally saw him, standing broadside under the shade of a mesquite. I put the crosshairs on him and squeezed the trigger, and was rewarded with a big cloud of dust.

Unfortunately the dust came from a mesquite stump about 15 yards before the coyote. It's amazing how fast those things can sprout up. The coyote simply trotted back in the direction he came from and turned again, showing me his other shoulder at about 140 yards. I put the crosshairs on his shoulder, squeezed the trigger and was rewarded with a resounding "click."

Seems in my excitement, I had short stroked the bolt. Bringing it back far enough to eject the brass, but not adding that extra quarter of an inch needed to pick up a new round. By the time I got a new round chambered, the coyote had disappeared into the brush.

Maybe menyana.
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