hey houndsmen is this true?


New member
Feb 2, 2001
I just read on a website that there is a tracking collar that tells the houndsmen when a dog is on the tree, something about the angle of the dogs head, is this true? sounds like BS to me. By the way it was on a anti-hunting site. CUBAN
I am in no way an expert on hound hunting but there are collars that have a mercury switch (I think) in them that changes the tones of the beeps, that the radio tracker sounds out, when the angle of the collar changes as the dog angles up the tree.
Sometimes you will get false signals when the dogs are climbing really steep angled hills.
Didnt BCA use tracking collars when you hunted with him last winter Cuban? Yes most modern tracking collars have treeing switches. Like what has already been said, when the dog tilts his head up at a 45 degree or more angle the signal beeps twice as fast. When his head is to the ground or straight ahead it beeps half as fast. So when the dog is treeing you can tell it.... They work real nice. bcat
yea, BCA had tracking collars on his dogs, I guess I never realized the signal could tell when a dog is treed, I just thought the signal showed the direction the dog was going. We never used the locator to get to a tree, we were always able to hear the dogs so I didnt ask too many questions about the collars and locators. I was looking at an anti-hunting site and read about those collars, they were making a big deal about that. :eek: thanks for the info CUBAN
Thats funny Cuban-The VERY FIRST question every one of my hunters always ask when they see me putting collars on my dogs is what are those things and how do they work etc.....So I always get to explain it EVERY TIME. ANyway they work real good. bcat
I guide quite a few hunters each year with my hounds. Hardly ever has anyone asked about the tracking collars. Most hunters are concerned with them getting a bear and thats about it. I go out of my way to try and explain about the hounds and equipment but most sports could care less.
Isnt that strange george how folks are so much different... thats alway the first question they ask when we find a track and put the collars on the dogs, excepet people like Thumper who already is familiar with the tracking units. Heck even the first time I saw a guy put one his dog I asked what does that thing do?? Inquiring minds want to know I guess and the rest just find out on an anti-hunting site. Each to their own I guess. bcat

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