Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System



New member
Dec 16, 2000
Rocky Mountains
Just curious how the Javie population is doing down there? I have heard that there are quite a few around Kingman. I'll be comming down next year and am trying to find a good place to go. I went down by Tuscan a few years ago and only 1 out of 7 of us got one. It was pretty slow. any info you can give me I would appreciate. Thanx, Timber


You know if you put in for one of the first 2 areas mentioned in the pm. We might be able to get together and hunt. But I got to warn you. When you hunt with Alex you need to be prepared. He has a way of getting stuck no matter where he hunts. Shovels, wenches, rope, come alongs are required equipment when hunting with Alex. And make sure you are prepared to do most of the cleaning because he will be high tailing it to the nearest bushes for you quessed it. Being sick!!!!!! I have to be well prepared when we go out hunting or 4 wheeling. It is not usuall for us to have to walk for help. So just be prepared. "Like the old saying fore warned is fore armed." But we usually get our game.

Happy Hunting
Lady Hunter in AZ
Now don't believe everything a woman says. You know woman don't know nothing about ah shucks we can make that hill or its not that muddy. Besides we all ways see game while we are walking out.

Good Luck
The Greek

It seems women folk always worry about "what if" instead of "PUNCH IT!!!! DON'T LET OFF THE GASS!!! OH $HIT!!! WE'RE NOT GOING TO MAKE IT!!! I'm driving, you get out and hook up...EXACLTY, you are driving. Thats why YOU need to get out in that mud and hook up the winch. They just don't like to have much fun
