Kenetrek Boots

Hey George...


Apr 16, 2001
hows things goin for ya?You must be chompin at the bit gettin ready for runnin season.Seems strange workin all days with no days off durin the week after workin shiftwork for 20 yrs.What ya got for a pack?Havent talked to Dale in a long while.Them fisherman must be kneedeep in bullshirts.Take care George and tree 1 first time out.
You must have a crystal ball Mainiac !! I have been out one time in Vermont with my buddy Pete.We treed a bear that day.I am one for one,batting 1000,perfect record ,etc..I am quitting now and going out on top !!
Training opens here Tuesday this week.Can hardly wait.Looks like lots of bears around.
This anti bear hunting drive in Maine is real serious huh? My buddy saw the antis letter looking for signatures and $$ .He said it was real bad.Its going to be a heck of a fight for sure.
Dale is spending the summer cruising on his Grand Lake yacht with all his rich mucky muck friends(he trys to say they are clients but I heard all his trips are freebies).While he does that I am shucking twinkies and cupcakes.Then the bad part, I have to go out and listen to dogs run bears for the next 6 weeks just so they can get in shape to keep up with the Tobey pack this fall !!!!
Last fall up there with Dale was the best time I have had running dogs in years.Thats even with all the personal family problems I was going through and the fact that it was the hardest year I have ever seen to tree bears!!It was still a great 5 weeks of hunting!! I am like a little kid before Christmas just waiting to get back up there in Sept.
Did you hear the last bear we took ended up #1 in Maine for 2002 and made Boone and Crockett?Dale saved that one for the last day we had clients last fall.Hope he doesnt wait so long this year.
Ran with a guy right up the road from me this week 3 days and one day just my dogs.Treed 4 bears in 3 days,got out run the other.Funny thing is,the day I got out run was the best running really.3 hours of hard fast running,heard 90% of the race and saw them cross roads 3 times.It would have been perfect with a tree at the end but it didnt happen.Bear weighed about 90 lbs and could really move.Course,every bear that out runs a pack weighs 90lbs right ??LOL

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-27-2003 07:43: Message edited by: George P ]</font>
Either 90# or 60#.
Got 14 baits out yestidday with my neighbor.Lotsa berries here this yr,gonna be a slow start I bet.Heard from the first mate of the G.L.S. Yachtsmans Club at all?I gotta go for the oral part of my guides exam tomorrow mornin.Wish me luck George.Good luck runnin man.If ya still got Moon an Boone,give em a pat on the head for me.

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