
That is really interesting! Looks like the cougar is coming back throughout the country. What is really interesting to me is that all of these have the same DNA as the cats we have out west. Facinating.
MarlandS, Thanks for the link.It is a very interesting site.I went into the whole site.We always here rumours around here in New England about lions.I hunted with some guys in Vermont this year who told me a good story ,first hand from them. I trust these guys 100% so I believe there was/is a cougar in northern Vermont.
Myself? I travel tons of miles in the winter looking for tracks.I have never seen a cougar track. I did ,for the first time last year,see lynx tracks.100% sure on those. There are several breeding lynxes in Maine now.They have some radio collared.My buddy trapped a huge one last year a few miles from where I saw the tracks last winter.He has excellent video footage of the trapped lynx and him releasing it.The footage he has looks like a proffesional took it.Shows him walking up and letting it go from a foothold trap.Really cool for around here. I bet we sat around having a beer watching the video 5 or 6 times last winter after chasing coyotes.
I will believe there is a wild cougar in NH and maine when I see it up a tree with my dogs under it.I will be sure to post when and if that ever happens !!!!
Thanks Mars that is good reading.
BCA looks like alot of western cat chit heading east.
George A man here in town told me he see a lion track this fall.He spent 20 minuts telling several of us about it.He said it had to be a lion with a 4"pad and 5 toes with no nails showing .I said your right and you better watch your arss for he will get you. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ November 24, 2001 17:24: Message edited by: Tobey ]</font>

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