HEY BC boy (Are we funny or just mean ?!?!)

Are you serious? You really think you can get to know somebody, from behind the keyboard?

We'll keep our lil' secret about your lineage tween you and me, K!!!


Heres your thank you!! I sure appreciated the wake-up!! Good to see around bud!! Realtite--lmao!! Thats funny! So be sure and let me know who your next target it....maybe we should try PETA...

"Good place to come if you want a poke in the eye"-Buckee
The only time you get poked in the eye here, is when you let it slip out of your mouth!!
How many times do I have tell you people this!

In all honesty Buckee, what was written that was so offensive that needed to be shielded from children?? Heck, you have moderator named IMINRUT---what,sexual innuendos are okay???Seriously though, I didnt think anything that BCBOY and Moosie, or myslef for a matter of fact, that kids couldnt read......okay, maybe nothing BCBOY and I wrote, Moosie maybe!!

Oh well, Ive had enough of my posts deleted from over there to know Im not welcome!!


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-29-2003 15:18: Message edited by: Tuffbucker ]</font>

C'mon now, man. Be nice!lmao

Seriously though buckee'!!! I really would like to know just what in the heck I said, to warrant your final verdict

All my buds that have been on to re-iterate everything I had to say!
And you havn't been man enough to expel them


You being from Utahian country. I'm sure could enlighten us on the self righteous, holier than though, my shat don't smell nearly as bad as your syndrome, huh!!!

And, just fore the record. I never said anything to do w/ poking anyone in the eye!!! Icehole, maybe...)o)

Don't worry bud, I left on my own.....I tried to explain some things (mainly about you
) but got tired of the scud missles fired at me. When we were told to stop, we did but some of the "regulars" were allowed to continue their banter. Not a site I need to be at, although a few PM'd me advising me their displeasure on how some of us were treated. However, it reminded me of a place you have to kiss the ring before you enter.......

Realtite.....That's classic.

BOHNTR )))------------>
Ypou know whats Funny In the BIG deer thread My post Wasn't nuked.. And I said I was going to Punch the guy in the Mouth

If you post something worth while people take a Looksee. I must post something worth while sometimes ?!?! HEll, Go look in the Waterfowl section here
Guess I was a fence sitting wussy.

Sorta hard to be neutral when ya are a admin at one site and a mod at a second site and you enjoy both.

But Oscar has known me long enuff to know where I stand with him...........UPWIND!
You mean Im not holier than thou, and Im not better than everyone else.....dang it!! Thanks for bursting my bubble!!!

Hell, I go out and look for some moose sheds and scout some whopper bucks today and I miss this. Damn, I should have stayed home and plunked on the ol' internet. LOL!
Realtight, now that is some funny $hit. LOL! OSOK, I don't know why they punted you so fast and not me too. I tried, I really did, but for some reason they hung onto me. I do think I will be leaving on my own accord now. It looks too damn boring over there with me being the only guy left who hunts "Real" deer. They never did catch on to the "Real" deer thing. LOL! But I did enjoy being called the Saddam of the hunting World. That was really a good laugh. I think the guys who were nice to me are now here so there's no need to mess with the whitey hunter's anymore. What should be our next project. PETA, Greenpeace, Sierra Club, or hell, maybe we should try the NRA. LMAO!
NUT, You did the Right thing.. And Had I gone the NUT Kicking way (No offence to your name
) And they bbanned me, I wouldn't have said a word to ya, Sorry for even thinking about putting ya through that, When I started I had no Idea you were an Admin

So... BACK at Monster Mulies I made a Remark...

Remember, It's Lonely at the TOP, But it's fun looking down at the People Below you.. And when I'm at the top, You can Do "JUST THAT"... but Substitute the "YOU" with "ME" , and read it slowly ...

Is that over the line ? JSut wondering, I'm still trying to learn !!!

HAHA !! It is very funny to me though
So I went to the PETA Website, but I couldnt find any public forums. I did find this though! I thought it was quite funny


The stuff those tree huggin bunny humpers come up with!!!

DID anyone get my "BELOW ME" joke ? Come on It's a Classic !!!!

I'm guessing not many did though

Some of those MM.com boys are dorks (Glad I'm not one *WINK~WINK*.
Ambiguous, yet funny. You can't blame the ones who don't get it as the homophone is more difficult to understand when your trying to sound out each syllable.

I can just see OSOK going "buh...buh-ee, buh-ee-loe me...is it below me?"

ps-I just kinda feel like throwing some spears today, and OSOK seemed like a worthy target (he can dish it out)

Now you guys are back to ass-umption on me again.


The exact reason I got banned from the Realtight house of hoe'mies. No puter access when I get home, and ya'llz don't think we can con-ju-ga-ted, your lame assed attempt of a joke!!!

Damn, that was a hard one to get out...

That was funny as hell though!

I left fore the weekend on (you know where), so, if'n my think'n is right. Which it ain't to very often. Mod (Hero boyee), thought I was a hit and runner, hense his figurin, I musta only been there too only start the chit, and then let everybody else roll w/ it. When actually!!! I had planned out fully, and well to stick w/ it, and actually turn it into a hunted based thread...

Oh well. It's a dead issue. We all know what they think of me over there, )o). It ain't the first time nor the last.

Fore some reason, I'm kinda doubting ole Buckee boyee, will be back to answer the question I posed earlier though.
I really don't need to defend myself or realtight any more than I already have.
Been there, done that.
Kinda like the name too "Realtight"...has a nice ring to it.

Nut, I don't blame you one bit, for taking the stance you took. You kind of look cute sitting on a fence with a pink dress on anyway ...LOL (private joke between nut and me, so don't get your hackles up)

I would like to thank you all for ruining my Christmas though. Guess it's my own fault too, for loving the site so much.
"Timing is everything"

Gotta thank OSOK for the advertising though. We had a lot of new members join over the holidays, besides the 9 guys that came over to defend you.

I'm done with this. I didn't come here to hash anything out and am not going to.
I don't how the heck we ruined your Christmas. There are times when even a mod should step back from the 'puter and enjoy his life. LOL! One thing I've learned 'bout the world wide web is that you can't be takin' things personal and you also can't tell what someone is thinkin' by reading just typed words. There is no facial features or hand gestures to go with the written communication. I guess that is why they invented smiley faces. But it seems most people don't look at them and jump on the bandwagon thinking the worst. LOL! Still don't see anything that was so bad that it would ruin someone's Christmas. Heck, I didn't even turn on the 'puter Christmas day until just 'fore bed. Maybe you should have done the same.
Ruined Christmas!?!??!?!.....if thats the case, you definitely need to step back into reality and out of cyberland!! Its an internet chat site, not reallife. Nothing anyone says on here about me or two me has any bearing on how I live my life. Unless they say good stuff about me or tell me where to find monster deer!!
Hopefully you can relax, grasp the concetpt that this is not real life, and enjoy your time here!!
Im thinking someone might need a hug!!!

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>not reallife<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
If talking on the computer to people isn't reallife, then you boys need to sit back and re-evaluate yourselves.
I treat my conversations with people on the computer, the same as if I'm talking to them in person. I admit, sometimes that's hard to do.
What makes it really tough is when others get involved and start putting their 2 cents worth in, before getting caught up on the whole conversation 2 people might be having.
I care about people's feelings and listen to their viewpoints and opinions.
Being on the computer and talking with folks, should be taken a little more seriously by some.
I knew that most of the mods were away somewhere for Christmas and I, yes, I did take it personal, because it was because of me that you guys were there in the first place.
Someone had to monitor the situation.
Some of you guys, who were involved need to get a life and find something more constructive to do when your bored.
Some of you guys just have no idea what I and a few others went through, just to keep things down to a dull roar in there over the Holidays.
If it was all adults in our site, I would have walked away and let everyone fend for themselves.Some of you, just don't get it.

I actually spent quite a few hours getting to know you guys a bit better by going back to MM and reading back into your old posts, just to get to know you a bit better and see exactly who we were dealing with and what they were all about.

We are like a big Family over at Realtree.com. It goes way beyond hunting over there. We pray for one another and support one another in more ways than just hunting. If you feel that, that type of an atmosphere is not for you, then that's your choice. The least you could do is be mature enough to back off, when you see what we're all about. I know where I want to hang out, do you ??
All I know is I didn't say or do anything that would break that "Family" thing you got over there. The worst thing I did was jokingly called whitetails "dinky dog deer" and if you noticed I also refered to some of my own mule deer as "dinky dog deer" as well. It seems to me that most of the name calling and attitudes came from that happy family of yours. Heck, you guys nuked a bunch of our posts but left the really bad namecalling RT members posts stay. From an outsider looking in, it looked like you were trying to get you members worked up. Who was the guy that posted up links to MM? Now, if you trying to keep the peace, why the heck would you go and do that for? You let several of your members go off and call us Sadam of the Hunting world, Poacher, and everything else. If you were concerned about keeping it tame you should have nuked their posts along side ours. Don't give me this "Your Christmas was ruined" BS. From an outsider looking in, it looks like you were more of the instigator than you are letting on. I think you were having just as much fun as we were. That being said, Good on ya!
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