Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Herd size


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2021
San Antonio Valley California
In years past we had large elk herd's in the 70-80 size with several bulls. Over the years they have broken down to much smaller groups from 4 to the biggest I've seen was about 35. We have consistent groups of 4, 8, and 14. We see them most every day. I'm wondering if it one big group that scatters out then regroups or are they all individual herds. When we first started seeing them right here, it was only 1 cow and calf. We watched the calf grow over a year or so without any other animals. I'm sure that the original cow and calf have stayed here and grown, but have other small groups come to join her. Here's a picture from this morning as they were heading back over the ridge.IMG_20230329_075044949_HDR.jpg
Curious to see what others say as well. In the area I have hunted annually for over 20 years, I have only ever seen 3 herds larger than 10 (12, 27 and 49, all early in rifle season). Typically I've only encountered herds that are 3 to 8 in size. I think pressure and panic/dispersal has a lot to do with it.
There's no elk hunting allowed here. They are protected. There's very little outside influence. They may get spooked a bit crossing the road if a car happens by.
My thoughts were on the big herds breaking up was that there may not have been enough feed for that many animals. The area they hang out in now is maybe 4 sq. miles tops.
In my experience and observations the social circles of an elk are fluid and ever changing. I have seen big herds split into 2 or more smaller herds as they are feeding or just generally moving and one of them will cruise over a ridge or something and bump into another herd and join in with them. Of course it is not easy to determing if it is the same cows or different cows that are often seen together, but I have been lead to believe that herds are often splitting and joining together for any number of reasons and not always because they feel pressure of one sort or another.
That would seem reasonable. We'll see the same group for 3-4-5 days then they disappear for a couple days to a week then reappear in a different herd size. I say disappear in that I can't look out the living room window and see them. I know where they are, it's only a few other places that they hang out over a few square miles.
Curious to see what others say as well. In the area I have hunted annually for over 20 years, I have only ever seen 3 herds larger than 10 (12, 27 and 49, all early in rifle season). Typically I've only encountered herds that are 3 to 8 in size. I think pressure and panic/dispersal has a lot to do with it.
I should clarify that I don't get to observe these herds during non-hunting times of year, so my opinion was based on the effect of hunting pressure, possibly feed quantity as well. I'm sure there are other factors that play into this.
I have seen herds of about 300 here in my area.
100 on my place last year.
Usually just a few to a dozen.
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