Long story short, I’m looking to update my animal finding optics. I hunt Northwest Montana for mule deer and elk as well as breaks country for Elk during archery season. There’s some bear hunting in there as well. My current set up is Vortex diamondback 12x50 Binos and Vortex diamondback 20-60x60 spotter (less than thrilled with this one but it did serve it’s purpose) I have about $800 at cabelas (wonderful gift cards and cc) if you were to upgrade any of these which one would it be and to what. Now granted the binos are on my face a lot and I don’t hate them once I get out to that 600 yard mark things start to get a little fuzzy but at least I can tell if I need to move in on it or not. The spotter is usually used once or twice a weekend but on any power over about 40 I might as well take my contacts out. any Help would be appreciated or just say screw it and keep hunting the way I do and save it up for something else that may strike my fancy further down the road