Caribou Gear

Help on a school report?


Active member
Jan 13, 2002
Salmon, ID
Hey everyone...I need to do a 5 page report on a vehicle with an alternative fuel source for my auto shop class and I was wondering if maybe you folks could help me out a little bit. We have to write 2 paragraph summaries on the 10 major vehicle systems and then write why it is good for the environment. Anyways I have chosen the 2005 Honda Civic Hybrid and I need to cover the following topics....

1. Body/Frame
2. Engine
3. Computer Systems
4. Fuel Systems
5. Electrical Systems
6. Cooling/Lubrication Systems
7. Exhaust/Emission Systems
8. Suspension, Steering and Brakes
9. Accessories
10. Drive Train Systems

So if any of you wanna waste some time and provide me with links or copy and pasted stuff it would be appreciated just make sure where you provide your sources ;) . I've already pretty much got the Body/Frame and Engine covered so I'm looking for the other stuff. But thanks for the help to anyone who helps out. :)
LMAO Greg....
I can't be any help at all...
I don't like to meknik much at all unless I absolutly have to...
You could have been majoring in Survival and I could help you all over the place... :D
A report? In auto shop? I never remember having to write reports in auto shop. What kind of crazy school are you at where they make you write reports? ;)

All I remember about Auto Shop was starting the year out with the guys in the class saying "aww let me help you out with that little lady" and ending the class with the guys saying "would you show me how to grind that valve again Karen". :D

Don't know a damn thing about hybrids though. Maybe when you are done with your report you can paste it here and enlighten the rest of us. ;) :D
:confused: :eek: :( Honda Civc Hybrid :( :eek: :confused: Yeha now you have me confused. And I have never heard of writing reports in auto shops at all, must be a new way to find out if you know anything about cars or something. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Quick Draw
The reason we have to do the report because there is like a $10k or $15k grant that our school recieves if we do it.

Whitedeer, thanks for the help but I had already found that page. :)
Aw, come on. You know others will choose the new ones. Why not go for DaVinci's car. Someone just built a full size version of it and it actually works. Kinda cool, like an early day wind up toy. You can even program it to go a certain direction after you release the brakes. Can't help much on the new Honda though. Sorry.,
cant help ya trophy i know chit about cars i cant even drive without hittin somethin well amost im just girl dont know chit :cool:
Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping Systems

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