Help me pick out a turkey gun

Try to stay as still as you can when a bird comes in.I have had birds in my lap while holding guns with wood stocks,black synthetic,camo etc.
Bottom line there isn't a bird out there that can bogey faster than 300 ft/second!
I was talking about turkey hunting with my archery class instructor and he asked about my shotgun choice. I explained I was looking and he offered to loan me nice Browning Silver (semi-auto) that is set up for duck at the moment.

So....I think I may have put off needing to get a shotgun - I just need to get some vent-rib sights for this! Short-term I may have saved money, but I'm curious if using a semi-auto will cost me more in the long run (when I buy one)...
Anything in 3.5 inch mag. It's nice to have that extra punch and bigger cloud of bb's for reaching out there. Make sure to get a good tight choke tube.
I second the Browning BPS either in a 10 or 3.5" 12gauge, then you can use it for other game. But the honest truth is I have used my 3" magnum for the past 5 seasons with the full/extra full choke and lead 3" and killed a turkey every year. So you don't "Need" a 10gauge or 3.5" 12gauge.
Some of the new shot materials (Federal Heavyweight, Hevi-Shot, TSS) are doing for the 20ga in the turkey woods what premium bullets have done for rifle cartridges. Though I haven't shot a turkey with it, yet, I'll be packing my 20g 870 with Federal Heavyweight #7s this spring.

Prior I've not had any problem killing turkeys to around 60yds with 3" 12ga loads. My favorite is a load that has both #4 and #6 shot in it.
I have both a Mossberg 835 and a 935. Both have been really good guns. I bought the 835 years ago when they first came out. I shot the snot out of it for years on Arizona quail, turkeys, coyotes and whatever came up. It never functioned smoothly and over the years got worse. I sent the gun to Mossberg and they totally replaced the bolt and sent it back to me for free. It was not gone from my possession for more than two weeks. I like That service!

I bought my 935 on at an auction. I got it for a fair price and it had hardly been shot. If malfunctioned a couple times, until I got some rounds through it and then broke it down and cleaned it. It has not malfunctioned since-except when there was a garden growing in it! It is not a Benelli, but you can buy three of them for what a Benelli costs !

I also have Mossberg 500 20 gauge that is a great, light little bird gun.
I've killed between 40 to 50 birds with a 3"magnum, not certain a 3.5 is a difference maker.Opening up the autoloader angle will stretch this thread some.
Remington sp 10 in 3.5" has never let me down, nor did my Mossberg 835 3.5" it just kicks bad.

I had my shoulder against a tree a little deep one year when I touched off a 3.5 in my 835 at a turkey. It took a while to heal up from that one!:eek: I got the turkey, too!:hump:
I have both the 870 and 835. For wing shooting I lean toward the 870. Better swing than the 835. I prefer the 835 for the anything else. Patterns better if you can find the right load. Also, check gun broker. I picked up my 835 with a slug barrel with ISB rail and a ported Turkey barrel with extra chokes for $375.
Been there done that. ...fell asleep against a big oak and a Tom woke me up with a gobble. Ouch.
Only shotgun I have had for many years is my 870 12 g Express 28" flatblack matt walnut and it has taken many turkeys.
Always worked even after mud/water dunkings.
Trick to turkeys is NEVER MOVE when they are nearby............... or run like hell......
I don't think the brand of shotgun matters for turkeys but ideally it has a a few attributes as a dedicated turkey gun.

1) Commonly Available Premium Chokes
2) As short of a barrel as possible 20-24" is ideal
3) As light as possible with a good sling
4) Some sights beyond a single bead like truglo front and rear clamp or sights or a reddot
5) Running Hevishot
6) Camo is something I want for turkeys, it isn't a hard requirement but it isn't hurting either.
I use a Benelli Nova. But in my opinion get what feels right for you. On the other hand, When patterning, I would not discredit a 2.75" or a 3" shell for the 3.5" you may find that with your choke and a 3.5 your pattern may blow out at a certain yarded. Just because it has more pellets doesn't mean that it's more pellets in the kill zone. My gun shoots 3" way better than the 3.5". Not mention is cheaper and easy on the shoulder.
I have a mossberg 835....I like it but with a 3 1/2 inch shell it kicks like a mule!!!
I have shot turkeys with;

Remington 870
Winchester 120 (my old favorite)
Mossberg 9200
Mossberg 500
Mossberg 835
Mossberg 535

Out of all of these guns, (and the 120 which is my first pump gun), the 535 is my favorite. I have an earlier version of it though. I'm not impressed with the new ones. Mine has a thumbhole stock and is lightweight and built really well. It just kicks like a mule. A picture of it in this thread

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