Caribou Gear

Hello Its me.


Active member
Jun 20, 2020
Traverse City, MI
Hello all, My name is Doug. I live in MI. I duck hunt, grouse hunt, in MI. I pheasant hunt in Iowa every year. I used to do more white tail bow hunting. I have bear hunted in MI once still waiting to draw out again. Still waiting to draw out on MI elk. I own my own business which does not afford me a lot of time to go big game hunt out west but I am looking to change that. Kids have all left the nest. I have 5 English Springers. I field trial and do hunt test with my dogs. My 14 year old springer is an AKC master hunter in the upland and also a 500 point Champion retriever with HRC. Working hard to understand the ins and outs of the big game point system in the western states. Would love to do a Pronghorn hunt and would also like to do a Barbary sheep hunt.
Welcome aboard! There are a lot of dog hunters on here, your advice will be welcomed!
Take a look at this Iowa flush. looked like the back leg was shot. I had 4 dogs on the ground pheasant hunting very proud trainer every one sat to the deer flush no chasers.
