Caribou Gear Tarp

Hello Gang.......

Mountain Boomer

New member
Dec 10, 2000
Just thought I would drop in and say hi. Looks like DKO had a great year. Even o'l Moosie lucked into one...:D Damn turkeys must be deaf, dumb, and blind in Idaho!!!

My spring season went pretty well also, here is half my efforts. The pics of the other one didn't turn out.



Boomer, whats up man????? been awhile! love those limb hangers! excellent bird, lets hear the story!! congrats on great looking bird! tell us the details behind that ole tom!
Boomer, HEEEEeeeeeeeyyyy !!! GOOD job !!! Death blind and Dumb..... YOU talking bout me again ?!?!? ;)
Moosie, You know I wounldn't tawk about you...:D

Here is the short and sweet version of the story....

I got up on the mountain top about 30 minutes before daylight and sat there waiting for that early mourning music. I was sitting on the side of an old road and the moon was bright. Looked down the road and made out two objects walking. It was two other hunters so I grabbed my junk and headed out of there. Got to my next spot and stopped to listening for a bird and heard a danged o'l 4-wheeler coming through the field I was in. It was well after daylight by this time and I hadn't heard a thing. Made my way over to the other side of the mountain and hit my calls. GOBBBBBBLLLEEEE!!! Yee Hawwww... Hit the deck, pitched out the deek, and got set up. Sat there for 2 hours listening to him gobble in the same spot just calling every once in a while. Finally, I got pissed off and started hammering the calls. The next thing I knew he gobbled right on top of me. Well, the rest is history...:D He had all he could take and wanted some...:D He weighed 22 lbs., 10" beard, and 1 1/8" spurs. The spurs really aint all that big, they had just enough hook that I could hang him...;)

My second bird had a little more action too it but I aint got time to tell it right now. He weighed 19 lbs, 11" Beard, and 1" spurs.
Thanks Guys! I will try to post the second story later on.

Moosie, We don't really want to talk about that...:D Actually I had a good time and Josh is real nice guy. I got the impression he couldn't take a joke very well so I didn't drag out the Hunt Talk hat...
I didn't kill a pig and only saw a couple. If I would have had my rifle the first day I would have killed one but, I had my bow. He was going to make a live hunt out of it but, there wasn't any action to report so, no hunt...:(

That just blew my big chance.... I could see it now....


Women wanting to have my baby...

Kids wanting to be like me...

Red Head Pro Staffer....

You get the point...:D
Tell you what.. Go look at the hunt we're putting on in Sask next year, It's under the bear section.... Come on that And I'll do a LIVE HUNT, with updates Daily Emailedback to the states and MAke sure there is a full page coverage of ya. You'll be set up with JAcket and a hat. And, I'm guessing the action will be BETTER !!!

Hows that for your "FAMOUS STATUS" offer :D :D

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