Caribou Gear

Hello from saskatchewan!

Jan 9, 2022
Hey everyone!

Been on this forum for a while but wanted to formally introduce myself and say hello! I'm 34 years old and from saskatchewan. Fell out of hunting in my 20s to pursue an education in electrical engineering. Since hitting 30 I've rediscover my passion for getting out in the woods and even starting archery. (I've got a hoyt hi-line model if anyone is wondering)

My favorite hunts are spring bear and fall elk/moose. I enjoy the challenge and difficulties associated with the large game here in saskatchewan. White tail opportunities are plentiful and of course I always take advantage of that.

I've been wondering how many forum members we have from our province up here in Canada. Always seeking good conversations with fellow locals from the areas.

I enjoy the hunt talk forums. There is a great community here and I enjoy all the reading.

Cheers from saskatchewan
Hey everyone!

Been on this forum for a while but wanted to formally introduce myself and say hello! I'm 34 years old and from saskatchewan. Fell out of hunting in my 20s to pursue an education in electrical engineering. Since hitting 30 I've rediscover my passion for getting out in the woods and even starting archery. (I've got a hoyt hi-line model if anyone is wondering)

My favorite hunts are spring bear and fall elk/moose. I enjoy the challenge and difficulties associated with the large game here in saskatchewan. White tail opportunities are plentiful and of course I always take advantage of that.

I've been wondering how many forum members we have from our province up here in Canada. Always seeking good conversations with fellow locals from the areas.

I enjoy the hunt talk forums. There is a great community here and I enjoy all the reading.

Cheers from saskatchewan
Nice to meet you!
Nice to meet you!
Hey everyone!

Been on this forum for a while but wanted to formally introduce myself and say hello! I'm 34 years old and from saskatchewan. Fell out of hunting in my 20s to pursue an education in electrical engineering. Since hitting 30 I've rediscover my passion for getting out in the woods and even starting archery. (I've got a hoyt hi-line model if anyone is wondering)

My favorite hunts are spring bear and fall elk/moose. I enjoy the challenge and difficulties associated with the large game here in saskatchewan. White tail opportunities are plentiful and of course I always take advantage of that.

I've been wondering how many forum members we have from our province up here in Canada. Always seeking good conversations with fellow locals from the areas.

I enjoy the hunt talk forums. There is a great community here and I enjoy all the reading.

Cheers from saskatchewan
Hey There, nice to connect! Glad you rediscovered your passion. I only began my hunting journey at 30 (now 35). I live in NW Ontario. Moose/deer hunting consume my fall. Also got to do a hunt for Pronghorn in Wyoming this year. After hunting in the great plains I have daily conversations with my wife trying to convince her to move to Alberta or Saskatchewan lol
Hey man, cool to hear that you are rediscovering you passion for the outdoors. Are people from the US allowed to hunt in Canada? and if successful allowed to transport the meat back into the states?
Nice, at this point that would be a dream trip. This season I have found a lot of sign, but have not been able to see any deer in the mountains of Western North Carolina
Hey everyone!

Been on this forum for a while but wanted to formally introduce myself and say hello! I'm 34 years old and from saskatchewan. Fell out of hunting in my 20s to pursue an education in electrical engineering. Since hitting 30 I've rediscover my passion for getting out in the woods and even starting archery. (I've got a hoyt hi-line model if anyone is wondering)

My favorite hunts are spring bear and fall elk/moose. I enjoy the challenge and difficulties associated with the large game here in saskatchewan. White tail opportunities are plentiful and of course I always take advantage of that.

I've been wondering how many forum members we have from our province up here in Canada. Always seeking good conversations with fellow locals from the areas.

I enjoy the hunt talk forums. There is a great community here and I enjoy all the reading.

Cheers from saskatchewan
Welcome from way down south in mississippi
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