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Hello from Oregon.

The reason I ask is because when searching the forum, it doesn’t seem like blacktail gets a lot of mention, so I’m curious how many people on here do hunt them. This is my first season trying to get one, so any pointers are much appreciated as well!

Blacktail are tough. They like the thick stuff. Feel free to shoot me a pm with questions anytime.
This is a great forum, thank you all! It’s neat to see so many other Oregon hunters here, too. There’s lots of hunting opportunity, but much of it seems to be really unique to the PNW in how to go about it successfully.
Hey all, new member from Eugene Oregon here. I’m also pretty new to hunting. I grew up in NE Ohio and no one in my family hunted, so I never learned as a kid other than taking a hunter ed class at the local gun club. While I was in the army I was stationed in Alaska. There I went out with some friends to go duck hunting a few times, but mostly stuck to fishing. I put hunting on the shelf of unfulfilled dreams when I moved to Oregon 5 years ago. I get a free hunting/fishing combination license as a disabled vet, but have only gone fishing here. This year I decided to take full advantage of it and try hunting again, so retook the NRA hunters ed class. That class mostly focuses on deer hunting, so that gave me the itch to try that. I got a deer tag, zeroed in my 308, and have been immersing myself into all the resources I can find online; that’s also what brought me to this forum. I’m trying to learn as many lessons as I can from experienced hunters, rather than by mistakes myself (I’m sure I’ll still make plenty). This Saturday is the season opener, and I’m excited to get out in the woods!
Welcome from the Oregon coast! I'm pretty much a newbie when it comes to hunting. But it's a lot of fun.
Another welcome from the Central Or Coast. After 40 years in SE Alaska I'm trying to learn how to hunt this coastal jungle. It's not an easy hunt.
Another welcome from the Central Or Coast. After 40 years in SE Alaska I'm trying to learn how to hunt this coastal jungle. It's not an easy hunt.
Not at all. Where in SE? My wife grew up on Prince of Wales. I’ve taken my wife with me a few times. She’s mentioned a few times how we should just go to POW to hunt blacktail, because we’d be done in an hour lol.
Good luck, black tails are a blast! I look forward to hunting them every year, just as much as some of my better out of state hunts.I usually hunt the north side of western OR, but will be trying the south end with my son this year!
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