Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Hello from Indiana


New member
Dec 13, 2016
Knox, In
Hello everyone

well I am from Indiana and have hunted most of my life. I have hunted most of the animals in my state whether its deer rabbit, squirrel, or waterfowl, but the one thing i have wanted to hunt since i was a kid and just starting to hunt was elk. i have always had a fascination with elk hunting but could never afford it. that is until i seen one of Randy's hunting videos and looked into the do it yourself hunts. so i have been really researching lately hoping that maybe next year will be the year i get to try my hand at elk. keeping my fingers crossed and rifle sighted in. have a wonderful day everyone
Welcome! What part of the Hoosier state do you call home? I live just NE of Indy, but hunt/recreate more in the Patoka Lake area. I grew up just north of Evansville.

Elk hunts are easily doable and really not as expensive as folks here in IN generally think they are.
John, I grew up in West Terre Haute! I'm sure you a lot of good things about it!?!?!?
Welcome aboard! I'm not far from you I live near Plymouth. I've hunted out west several times for deer, mostly Montana. I'll be headed to Colorado in 2018 for a deer hunt. If you don't have any preference points I encourage to start applying in Wyoming. Colorado and Montana are easy tags to get most years.
Welcome to Hunt Talk. Lot of great info shared around here. If thinking about elk in 2017 you best be planning now, especially if going via outfitter. Many are booked quickly.

I'm living about 25 miles south of Terre Haute.
I went to college in Terrible Haute, aka the armpit of the Midwest.

Okay JDH, I am assuming you either went to Indiana State, Rose Hulman or Ivy Tech. (Doubt that it was St. Mary's based upon your pic and the fact that it was all female.)

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