Caribou Gear Tarp

Helicopter Landing in the Bob Marshall Wilderness

Ballsy move for sure. Those CWO’s always have good connections. In today’s climate they would crucify the CO if they didn’t nail the guy to the wall.

Warrant Officer has a different meaning here in Canada. A Warrant Officer is an E7, Master Warrant Officer E8 and Chief Warrant Officer is an E9. This guy was not only an E9 but he was a Regimental Sergeant-Major, which is the highest NCM of a Regiment or Battalion (CWO's can be appointed to higher commands such as Brigade, Formation/Division, Branch and ultimately CWO of the entire Armed Forces). Literally the guy in charge of discipline, dress and deportment ended up breaking every possible rule in broad daylight for most of the Brigade to see...
Finding grey would be a pleasant surprise... Flew my drone the other day and had an overhead video w/o a hat... I'll just say my barber's lying! Scissor snip, snip, snip... my arse!
The monetary amount was too low, especially if you then have to go in after them and undo any harm to the area. I feel community service would be a better form of correction for someone like that, they have more money than most - but are playing on the same field as everyone else when it comes to time.
Says the guy who has been trying to open up airstrips in wilderness that have been closed for 30 years, and has introduced one of the largest eliminations of public land protections in Montana's history. This is a cheap stunt.
Probably so. But does the cheap stunt help or hurt? If your enemy sides with you, is that a bad thing?
Probably so. But does the cheap stunt help or hurt? If your enemy sides with you, is that a bad thing?
It's an election year... That's a loaded question for many here... In theory, the work between both Tester and Daines combined - when politics take a side seat and actually representing Montanan's becomes their objective, they are fantastic! Such as the Forest Management Bill.
Probably so. But does the cheap stunt help or hurt? If your enemy sides with you, is that a bad thing?

It's got zero chance of passing in this congress, so it's not a genuine effort. Besides, if it were he'd include all motorized use like illegal ATV usage, snowmobiles, etc but that means he'd be upsetting his friends elsewhere.

It's a craven act by a politician seeking to elevate himself rather than deal with the issue of motorized incursions into wilderness, which again, he has been a bug supporter of in the past.
Probably so. But does the cheap stunt help or hurt? If your enemy sides with you, is that a bad thing?

It's not like we don't have a few bigger fish to fry. His proposal is going NOWHERE. How many days are left in Congress's term before they go into election mode? The Senate has been busy confirming judges. I do not think McConnell lays awake at night worrying about helicopters landing in the Bob.

We can all agree that $500 is far too low. But how many violators have there been?? By far, most people respect the wilderness designation. It is a very tiny group that has the means and sense of entitlement to pull the stunt that Daines is trying to profit from.
We can all agree that $500 is far too low.
In reality, the amount is likely a moot point as anyone who has the wealth to own, maintain, and operate a helicopter ... or even rent one to fish for an afternoon ... well, they are rich enough that the fine is merely an inconvenience. The public exposure, censor, and chastisement in the news will have a greater impact on the perpetrator and hopefully discourage other rotary wingnuts from chopper fly-fishing.
Straight Arrow is correct, it's done, naught but a hushed tsk tsk at their next laced doily soiree.
In reality, the amount is likely a moot point as anyone who has the wealth to own, maintain, and operate a helicopter ... or even rent one to fish for an afternoon ... well, they are rich enough that the fine is merely an inconvenience. The public exposure, censor, and chastisement in the news will have a greater impact on the perpetrator and hopefully discourage other rotary wingnuts from chopper fly-fishing.
That's why I suggested a week of trail work from the get go. Blisters and dirt under their nails whould be more impacting restitution for these folks then a monetary one.
That's why I suggested a week of trail work from the get go. Blisters and dirt under their nails whould be more impacting restitution for these folks then a monetary one.
Nah ... I don't want em back in the wilderness. Recommend a hot week of hard labor building a road through some snake-n-gator infested southern swamp for an outdoors experience.
That's why I suggested a week of trail work from the get go. Blisters and dirt under their nails whould be more impacting restitution for these folks then a monetary one.

And that is what their attorney made certain was not part of the resolution. I agree it should have been part of the deal,,, but it was not going to happen.
$500.00 was the maximum fine. I agree that it’s too low. Nows a good time to get your representatives to submit a bill to the Congress to increase it.
Small fines do nothing to stop the violations. F&G violations are a prime example where well to do folks thumb their nose at the law and commit the crime. It will only be taken serious when they get their ass set in the County jail for a month or two and learn to be best buds with Bubba. Time for a change folks!!!!
And that is what their attorney made certain was not part of the resolution. I agree it should have been part of the deal,,, but it was not going to happen.
$500, 6 months in jail, or both was what the punishment could be. Their attorney made certain the 6 months in jail was not part of the resolution.
$500, 6 months in jail, or both was what the punishment could be. Their attorney made certain the 6 months in jail was not part of the resolution.

If he had no priors the jail time would be unwarranted and easily put aside. Besides; nobody is going to jail these days right.

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